Chapter 12: First Day!

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"Do you have everything?"


"Your phone?"

"I have it!"

"Your wallet with your school I.D.?"

"In my pocket!"

"Your watch?"

"Doesn't come off!"

"Oh, right. Tissues and handkerchief?"


"Oh, what about you -"

"Mom! I'm gonna be late!!"

Izuku was at the front of his apartment, making sure he had everything he needed on him for school with his mother nervously asking him things just to make sure.

"I've got to hurry!" Izuku said as he put on his signature red shoes and quickly opened his front door.

"Izuku!" Inko called out to him.

"What?" Izuku turned back to his mom and saw a small smile with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Inko admired her son in his U.A. school uniform. "You look really cool. Guess your father was right."

Izuku was partially taken aback by this, staring at his mother with a look of wonder. "Dad? What about him?"

"He always said you'd be a hero look at you top of the leader board and to U.A. no less! He would be so proud if he was here."

"Dad believed... I could be a hero? B-But I was quirkless."

Her smile brightened. "And he never had a single doubt in his mind."

He then formed a determined smile on his face as he left his apartment, yelling, "I'm off!"

He began to run a smile across his face. This was the start of his hero career, and he'll show everyone what he can do. As Midoriya made it to the train station, panting and breathing heavily. He leaned against the wall.

"Y'know before I had a quirk, I didn't really get why some speedsters and others who can fly were so peeved by the fact they can't use their powers to travel! But now... I get it!" He said with an eye twitch. "If I could use Fasttrack or Stinkfly, I could fly over to school."

"Momo, you're still not speaking to ask us?" Said a boy who was following some girl with raven hair and a mature body to Midoriya's surprise she was wearing the U.A. uniform.

"Wow, she's really pretty. And she's wearing the U.A. uniform, maybe we could be friends?"

"I told you to leave me alone. Quit bothering me--"

She cut herself off, noticing the boy in the U.A. uniform, their eyes met. They looked at each other for a moment, but before they were brought back to reality.

"C'mon, we were friends you wouldn't just abandon your -"

The girl cut him off. "We are no longer friends, and I think I realized we were never friends. All you wanted was the prestige of being affiliated with Yaoyorozu, and you showed your true colours months ago." The girl said with a glare.

"Look, we had a good thing going, if you just gave me..." He ran a hand along to her arm, which the girl slapped away.

The boy grew irritated, but he remembered something and backed away from her. " Fine! We admit it! We wanted to be friends with the rich girl just to use you!"

The girl looked like she wanted to cry but held it in." Look this is the reality no one's ever going to be friends just for your personality! Especially some uptight girl! The only people you're going to meet are those looking for your money, body, or your name. That's the truth."

Dekiru 10: The Symbol Of Peace And The Protector Of EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora