Chapter 7: Concert!!

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Two months after Izuku found the Omnitrix, within a couple of weeks, a lot of things happened. School life has become far better. At least people won't actively try to put him down. Though he would never really consider them friends. Though he had made friend with Uraraka and Kendo, they would hang out during their free time and actually enjoyed one another's company.

Izuku was training at the beach with All Might right now...

"All Might I know training is important, but do you mind if I take tomorrow off?" All Might reading a newspaper on top of a fridge that he was pulling.

"What brought this on?"

Midoriya looked uncomfortable as he put on the ropes and began pulling. "Tomorrow is my mom's anniversary when she met my Dad." He grunted as he pulled All Might a pained expression on his face.

All Might looked shocked. "Midoriya never brings up his conversation with his father. I mean, I know why bringing up a loss relative doesn't come easily."

Midoriya pulled even harder. "I'll only be gone for a day, then I'll head back to training. I bought two tickets online with the money I had left over. I just thought it would be nice."

All Might smiled."Wait, it wouldn't happen to be... Shag Carpeting, would it?!

Midoriya, who continued pulling "Woah y'know them All Might? Mom loves them!"

"Yeah, His-my friend got me into the music. We had so much fun back in the day. Oh, I remember the time that we rocked out with the band, but we were so wasted that we don't remember much of it! Dave always used to say I could never handle my liquor."

"Woah, like the David Shield?! Man, what I wouldn't give to me him! And who was your other friend?"

All Might seemed to flinch at the question, "He was..."Then a sad smile was on his face. "He was the greatest man I ever knew."

"Cool wait ever knew? Did he...?"

All Might gave a small nod. "He passed away, unfortunately. He saved me more times than I can count. "

"Oh, I'm sorry...."

"Don't be. But I thought they retired?"

"They having one last show on Saturday me and Mom are planning on going."

"Hmm. Alright, I see no problem in going, you should have some fun."

"Thanks All Might!!"

"Now, that doesn't mean you get to skip training today. Now go the extra mile!! YOUNG MIDORIYA GO GO GO!!"

As he began pulling with all his might.

With that, it soon was the afternoon, Midoriya, and was about to begin his daily sparing. After training, he would spar would Kendo to see his progress. Now

Midoriya steps into the centre of the mat. They both bowed to one another and took a fighting stance.

"You sure you want to get your but ki--" Kendo was cut off as Midoriya kicked in the chest, sending the girl a few inches back, causing the girl to smile and chuckle. "All right. Game on."

Midoriya sent a flurry of punches and kicks, which Kendo blocked and dodged. "Close the gap." Izuku lunged at the girl, and she tripped him. The boy immediately rolled to his feet, and Midoriya sent another set of punches, which she managed to block.

"You're telegraphing," Kendo said before kicking the boy in the stomach, causing the boy to stumble to the ground. "Don't let me see it coming."

Midoriya tackled the girl to the ground before standing over the girl. "Didn't see that, did you." Kendo immediately kicks his legs from under her. "Maybe" before standing up and helping the boy up.

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