Chapter 8: Overtraining and Mutant Mayhem!

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It was now October with UA entrance only four months away. And for middle schoolers, it had been the start of the second term.

Itsuka, however, has noticed something weird with Midoriya alongside Uraraka within the entire term. When they would go on the afternoon training, Midoriya would be more visibly more tired than both girls.

Kendo noticed this trend the most, especially when sparing. His form would be slower. He would time out far more. Usually, Midoriya could stay alien for as long as 2 hours or longer if he pushed himself, but now he would time out for around 30 minutes panting and breathing heavily.

All Might had noticed the same thing he was about to say something, but Uraraka and Kendo had come over to the beach to the surprise of his proteges and himself.

Right now, they were on the beach of a few training spars with his aliens. Midoriya timed out laying on the sand, breathing heavily.

From afar, both girls looked in concern."Do you think he's gonna be okay?"

"Hmm."Kendo put a finger to her chin to see Midoriya struggling to get back up. Before it clicked."Hey, Midoriya!!" She said, walking up to him."Let's spar!"

"Huh? Right now?" He said, struggling to get back up.

"Yeah. Why not? it could be fun."

"A-Alright." He said, taking a fighting stance.

They both took a fighting stance, Kendo threw a punch, this punch wasn't powerful or anything too special, but the fact he was not able to dodge was concerning. 

Midoriya staggered back  before a leg swept before pinning him to the ground."You have been overdoing it, haven't you?"

Midoriya flinched before looking away from the girl.

"Midoriya, look at me."She said with authority in her voice the boy reluctantly looked at her."I know you're eager, but over training, your body will do the opposite of what you want it won't help with your process at all. Right now, you can't last a minute fighting me. How do you expect to beat the entrance exam? Your mind and body need to be taken care of. overworking yourself will only result in disaster."

All Might in his skinny form was about to go over, but...

"Kendo, I know, but we're going up against hundreds of applicants! And I don't want to just pass. I want to excel! If it means breaking myself over and over, I'll do anything to reach my goal!"The words inspired all of them, All Might did everything not to bulk up right then and there.

Kendo groaned."I get it. But you need to take a break."

All Might walked up to them, "I suspected, but if you're so eager to get in some extra work, I'll change up your plans to put in extra work. Let this old man handle it."

"You're not old."

The skinny man just laughed before then snoring could be heard from All Might.

Everyone looked at Midoriya, who was from the overtraining, finally passed out, and from what they could tell, he wasn't waking up anytime soon

"He's working so hard for his goals! I just have to give in just as much effort! To give my parents an easier life!" Uraraka thought to herself.

Kendo could only smile at the boy willing to do anything for his goal. It was kinda inspiring, to say the least. She got him dusting away the sand on her body.

"I'll take young Midoriya home."

Kendo waved him off. "I'll carry this idiot back home," Kendo said before picking up Midoriya and placing him on her back.

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