Chapter 25: Capture The Flag!

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"Midoriya." Blue eyes similar looked at the green-haired boy. This man heard rumours of this boy, rumor said not only was this boy considered the fastest even

All Might has admitted the boy surpasses him in speed even in his prime. His physical strength was nothing to scoff either, but what really intrigued was the way people spoke of his flames.

"They rival my own, Huh? Midoriya, if you are anything like your father, I know you will bring out my son's flames." Endeavour said with a grin like Bakugou, but a was a bit less psychotic and more tamed.

Back with Izuku, who was being eyed like a cornered prey.

"Bring it on." Izuku thought as everyone looked at him.

"Now then, I will explain the rules of capturing the flag. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the flag will have that number. Teams will try to steal each other's flags until time runs out and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen flags must be placed in the team's designated area, so the more you steal, the harder it will be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your flag gets stolen, you're not out!" Midnight said as she explained the basic rules of capturing the flag.

"Which means..." Momo said.

"...since there are 43 people, there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time?" Sato said as he finished Momo's thought.

"That's tough," Aoyama commented.

"One strategy could be to let someone take your flag first so you'll be more free," Mina added.

"It is hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up, Mina." Tsuyu hummed.

"During the game, it will be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks. But it is still a capture of the flag. You will get a red card for attacks that could seriously injure someone! You will be removed immediately! Also, as long as your flag isn't planted in another area, your points won't change, but if your points aren't in your designated area by the time ends, your points don't count!" Midnight warned.

"Fuck!" Bakugo shouted.

"So it will be better to keep your flag in your area, and go out to steal others," Shishida concluded

"Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams, but before that..." Midnight said, as she made a signal to Present Mic, who pressed on a red button, and as soon as he did the ground started to shake.

"W-What's happening?" Kirishima asked as the ground was shaking violently.

"The stands... they're moving, they're being pushed back," Itsuka remarked as she saw that they had more space now in the stadium.

Once, the stands were pushed back far enough, Midnight made another announcement. "Now, once you've chosen your team, you'll take your flag and choose your designated area, don't forget you have fifteen minutes. Now start!"

"The UA Sports Festival is more about simulating the competition they'll face as Heroes than seeing how prepared they are to be Heroes." Deatharms said as he smoked a cigarette while sitting down and enjoying his break. He and the other Pro Heroes who were assigned as security guards for the Sports Festival were currently watching the prestigious event from a monitor.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" The blonde Heroine, Mount Lady asked as she too was enjoying her break with her colleagues.

Deatharms blew out a puff of smoke before replying. "In a world crowded with Hero Agencies, in order to put food on the table, there are times when you have to kick down others in order to show your stuff. That was what the obstacle course race in the qualifier was about, right?"

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