Chapter 22: The Dragon.

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Warning: This chapter contains graphic and mature themes. You have been warned.


Ojiro, Iida, Kirishima, Iida, and Uraraka returned to the dorms. When they opened the door, Ashido was on the couch, a towel wrapped around her neck.

Everyone who was there, such as Kendo, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, Shoji, Tokoyami, Tetsutetsu, and Shishida, were all doing their own thing clearly they had been training and now they were taking some downtime.

Kirishima exhausted sat on the couch. Next to Tetsutetsu, who was playing some 'SMASH HEROES' with Shoda, Sero, and Mineta.

When Yaoyorozu saw the teenager walk in, she had a visible smile on her face as she looked around to see the person she wanted to see wasn't there.

"How was your trip?" Ashido asked, seeing all the bags.

"Where are the others?" Yaoyorozu asked. She was looking around seeing only 5.

"The trip was awesome! Until..."Kirishima trailed off before giving a heavy sigh.

"What happened?" Ashido asked.

"Please tell me Midoriya hasn't gone and gotten himself in another life-threatening adventure?" Kendo said with a resented sigh."I swear trouble follows him like a moth to a flame." She muttered under her breath.

"No, we kinda just ran into Midoriya's ex," Kirishima said.

The was silent, the room got so quiet you could hear pins drop. Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu, and Ashido had a blank expression.

Kendo had a surprised look on her face."A-Are you sure?"

"Huh?"Kirishima asked in shock.

"When I met Midoriya, he was basically a stuttering mess. He barely could get through a conversation without becoming a blushing, flustered mess." Kendo said, which made everyone know how Midoriya is sweatdropped.

"Yeah, it's true came from the girl's mouth," Ojiro said.

"H-How was she?" Tsuyu asked nervously.

"Was she like super pretty?" Ashido asked.

"I'm sure Midoriya wouldn't care about looks. He probably is more interested in intelligence than anything," Yaoyorozu said.

"Oooh, I bet she was super strong!" Kendo said.

"She was uhm...."Kirishima and Ojiro looked at each other uncomfortably.

" She was... Such a mean, terrible, horrible, she was... "Uraraka said which made everyone looked at her at the girl who had her head down, a scowl present.

"Uhm... Uraraka that's a little mean." Tsuyu said.

"Yeah that was totally uncalled for"

"Yeah, I mean I know she's his ex but..."

"She's not wrong."Ojiro said everyone looked at him shocked before he waved his arms."Look I wouldn't say something like that but yeah."

"She was mean, they she spoke to him she made him sound like... I don't know what a word is! I know there, but.. ugh! I wanna throw her into the sun!" Uraraka said clearly frustrated that her friend was treated so badly.

"Aw, c'mon you're just jealous," Ashido said with a wave

"No, she's right," Iida said in a sad tone.


"Iida you feel the same?" Yaoyorozu asked in surprise.

"She was rude, unapologetic, and would frequently threaten Midoriya. The words she said to him... was cruel." Iida said.

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