Chapter 4: Friendship Gets Tested.

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Kevin Levin was many things a delinquent, troublemaker sure, but despite all the bad things people labelled him he still wasn't a bad guy. Sure would he break the rules on an occasion but he's a teenager who wouldn't.

Right now, he was in a dark room...

"Dear Kevin..."

He turned to the voice that echoed throughout the room, the voice always goated, always told him to absorb, to take, it was like a hunger that begged for itself fulfilled.

"I sense power... Power that you can't imagine. " The voice sounded ecstatic.

"Go away. Leave me alone, " Kevin growled in annoyance.

"Why? Do you hold yourself back? We are strong. We should not -"

"Shut it!" Kevin shouted to the void. "I know what you are a little present from dear old Dad! I'm happy that bastard is dead! And whatever you are, I'm not going to be like him! A person who takes, and takes, I refuse to be like that demon!"

The voice just chuckled in amusement as the place began to grow darker the walls closing in as a hand erupted holding him down as a hand as one began to approach he struggled, in place as then...

He woke up with a jolt as he woke up in a cold sweat and breathed heavily, grasping his face in fear.

It's been a full week since Izuku discovered the Omnitrix. He'd been training regularly. Izuku had informed All Might about the dojo learning some martial arts. All Might found the idea to be splendid. Before, they were on a tight schedule, but now, with the Omnitrix, All Might could fit some martial arts training.

Now, he had been standing in front of the dojo shaking like a leaf in the wind. Izuku took a deep breath before walking into the dojo. He looked around at the dojo, and immediately, the smell of sweat flooded his senses.

Izuku looked as if people were in combat with one another...

"Oh, Midoriya, you made it." The voice of Itsuka Kendo came as she walked up to him with an old man who was hunched over and holding a cane.

Izuku seeing Kendo made him blush, especially when she was in training Gi, which made her look really cute."H-H-Hi."

The old man began circling the boy, Izuku looked in confusion as the man walked around him looking at him, Kendo just looked kinda embarrassed but didn't say anything to stop the man. After a few minutes, he felt he should ask, "Uh... what is he doing?"

"He's sizing you up!" Said a boy who was wiping the sweat off his head. "Don't worry, he did the same thing with us."

"O-Oh, okay," Izuku said.

The man stopped before facing the boy, looking him in the eye. Everyone watched on to see what the sensei thought of the new fresh meat. His cane slammed to the ground, making the boy flinch."From what I can see. You're spineless. Pathetic. Weak."

Everyone went silent at the assessment of the boy. Kendo felt like she had to speak up. "Grandpa, don't you think--" She was cut off as he raised his hand.


Izuku looked down before looking back up. " When I look into your eyes, I can see the world has tried to put you down. I see the world tried putting you down, but you will have an unbreakable spirit. Only has strengthened you! You have the heart and soul, but your lack of self-confidence and timid nature will only hold you back. "

Izuku was silent and stunned as the man continued speaking. " Right now, you're nothing but a candle." He turned around his back facing the boy. "Itsuka." His tone was firm as the girl stood rigid her arms on her hips. "Hai!"

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