Shall I compare thee to a summers day?

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Description: you are together with Thomas, who enjoys learning all about you and your life.

Requested by: GhostishTendencies

For a bit of context before you start reading, y/n is Intersex as was requested, as I said in my last chapter, I'm trying to become more diverse with my writing as I feel like I've stuck to things that I know about, this is not only for the audience but also for me to be educated on these topics as I do research what I'm asked to write before writing it.

These are two websites I was looking at before writing this if you're interested in learning more about those who are intersex :)

Y/n uses He/him pronouns, though I'll use the term partner because I prefer that to boyfriend or girlfriend ( as you will have seen in previous oneshots lmao)

I really hope you enjoy this, and if I get anything wrong, please feel free to DM me or comment so I can correct my mistake :)


When you had died, you had been immediately noticed by Thomas, he was very quick to start flirting and reciting poetry to you, however when you began returning his advances, Thomas was absolutely flustered.

Even silly things like, ' shall I compare thee to a summers day'

' go ahead'

Would fluster him, having never really had anyone return his advances, he would kind of stumble over his words and cough before exiting the room making you chuckle.

It didn't take very long for Thomas to ask you to be his partner, you, of course, agreed to be in a relationship with the poet who was ecstatic.

He would rarely be seen anywhere but by your side, admiring you, he liked admiring you, he would spend hours doing it if he had the chance.

You had fairly feminine features, feminine hips and facial features, however you identified as a man, you were rather pleased to be a ghost if you were honest, during life you had dealt with confusion through childhood, being raised as a boy but having really feminine features, what confused you the most was the periods that you had, however they were excruciating due to not having... a female opening shall I say ( sorry idk how to word it 😭)

Thomas was always really happy to listen to you talk about yourself, your life and your rather confusing childhood, in all honesty, he enjoyed listening to you talk about anything and everything, but he loved learning about you and your identity.

Though intersexuality (?) was a thing during his time, it was not spoken about at all, it was seen as a curse for wrong doings by either the person or their parents.

So to learn about you and how you could embrace yourself, was something that inspired and wowed Thomas more than anything.

You and Thomas were sat on the rather large window sill in his room, looking out onto the lake that reflected the sun setting, button house grounds was gorgeous at this time of day.

Thomas had his head rested on your shoulder and his hand clasped in yours, he enjoyed moments like this, just the two of you.

You smiled softly, ' shall I compare thee to a summers day?', you repeated some of the first words that Thomas had said when trying to get your attention.

Thomas smiled back, and repeated your reply, ' go ahead'


Sorry I know this isn't particularly long, but I didn't know where to go with this tbh :)

I really really hope you enjoyed this

Have a good day

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