I wasnt expecting that Pt 2

557 17 2

Summary: yours and captains death

Requested by: squ1shyballz

Warnings, angst

Now, I'm going to try my best with this, however my part twos are never as good as the original

And just a reminder, y/n is male, so everyone who reads this knows ❤️

This probably won't have the lyrics like last time as I have no feckin clue how to add them in

Anyway, enjoy!


You then blacked out

When you opened your eyes you saw lots of people staring down at you

You saw that there was a man dressed as a caveman, a headless body holding its head, a women covered in dirt and what looked like soot, another woman in a burgundy dress with bows on it, she was grinning at you, you saw one more woman in grey, her hair was up in a bun and she kind of looked like she was sucking a lemon

You then looked to the side and saw...

' theodore?! '


You had watched your body being taken away by the undertaker, it was traumatic but then again, so was a war so you managed to get over it after a few years, with captain's help of course

You had become acquainted with the other ghosts, luckily for you and captain, Fanny didn't know, the other ghosts had been kind enough to keep her away when you were having a moment together during your life

You both knew Fanny would absolutely hate it

So you had to keep it between you

The other ghosts seemed to almost forget that you and the captain were together, they seemed to see you both more as Lieutenant and Captain

Neither Pat nor Julian knew, tho Julian did seem to have a hunch about it

When Alison came it was hectic, she began being able to see and hear ghosts, then the builders, then there was the actors ( and director, who you had very much disliked ), eventually there was a wedding

Everyone but captain was sat in the living room talking about their weddings, it made you wonder what it would be like to marry the captain, would you both wear white? Or would captain wear a black suit?

Would the other ghosts be there, seeing as you had come to see them like family

Barry would be there too, he would walk the aisle with you and Theodore...maybe you'd even be able to adopt kids if it was a better time!

You were pulled out of your fantasy by pat

' -n? Y/n?!'

' yep?! Sorry?' You said blinking a few times

' I said what about your wedding? You're wearing a ring' pat smiled

' m-my wedding? '

He nodded

' ... it... it never happened, war and such got in the way ' you stuttered out

Pat nodded in understanding, giving you a sympathetic look

' all this I've silly peace of paper! ' Robin said ' you, wife cheat on you ' he said to pat

' you cheat on wife ' he said to Julian who nodded

' and you, your husband cheat on you with two men and then kill you '

' and you, you not even get wedding! In my time, you live in peace And harmony ' he said

He then went into a rant about how he would ' do it ' with whoever
He wanted

You then went back to your fantasy

Later you and captain were dancing outside the room where everyone was, the music loud enough to hear

' are you alright dear?' Theodore asked, looking at you in worry

' yeah... just all this talk of weddings, makes me wonder what our wedding would be like ' you said quietly

' yes... I have thought about it too if I'm honest ' he whispered

You leaned forward and kissed him slowly before pulling away, just enough to put your forehead against his

' maybe in another time ' he murmured ' we could have '

' yes, I thought about it earlier, Barry would be with us, we would be accepted ' you muttered, slowly swaying to the music

' we would, we would have the others there too ' you whispered ' and Alison and Mike '

He nodded his head, eyes closed, enjoying listening to you

' maybe... in another life... we could ' he muttered

That night you dreamt of the wedding you could never have


Sorry if this is rubbish but I have no idea what to do with this, I kinda come up with an idea but never think of a part two 😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

Have a good day/night


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