A child!pt.2

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Old Summary: you are a 9 year old child, you were working at button house as a cleaner when you died tragically

New summary: you have been with the other ghosts for about two months, but what happens when you accidentally call captain ' dad '

As I said in the last part of this, this is not an x reader! Y/n is a child who sees Pat and captain as their parents, that's all, simply because captain reminds me of my grandad ( not in looks, just in personality)

Warnings: slight angst

If you haven't read the last part then I suggest you do as otherwise it'll be confusing 💕


You had now been around the other ghosts for about two months, you had got used to them all

Julian ( although he tried not to make them ) and his weird jokes y/n is a nine year old kid, they won't understand the jokes

Robin and his jump scares, this is what happened the first time he did it:

You had been walking to ' food club ' when you heard something in the kitchen

Being the curious child that you were, you went to investigate

It turns out it was robin getting into the shadow in the corner to scare Alison

Sadly he hadn't seen who you were before he jumped out

' BOO!!!' He yelled

You screamed loudly and you ran to your room

Your eyes welled up with tears as you sat on the bed

Robin hadn't meant to but he had reminded you of the people that would yell at you and sadly, beat you

See in the Victorian era, that was normal, that's how they made kids ' respect ' them

The kids didn't respect them, they feared them, that's the problem, kids can't respect someone who is harming them


You sat on your bed crying until pat and captain came to the door, which was currently open as Alison needed to do some sort of building or cleaning or something in your room

You didn't know and you didn't really care

' y/n? May we come in? ' captain had asked

You nodded and moved down slightly on the bed for the two to sit down

' we heard you scream, was it robin? ' pat asked

You nodded again and looked at pat and said ' he jumped out of the shadows... he scared me '

' I'm almost certain he thought you were Alison ' captain said

' s-so he didn't mean to? ' you asked, wiping your eyes

' no, he didn't ' pat said with a kind smile

Robin had apologised and you had forgiven him


Kitty saw you as like a little sibling, she loved having sleepovers and making jokes with you

Mary... she scared you at first... she had yelled ' RENOUNCE SATAN ' at you once but after that you warmed up to her

You found thomas quite funny, especially when he was being dramatic, you always had to hide your giggles when he was being dramatic, but all in all he was ok

Fanny was actually an amazing person when you get to know her, she's just stuck in her ways, she had been like a grandma to you the whole time you'd been around them, she even scolded Robin after accidentally scaring you

Humphrey creeped you out sadly, I mean one part of him nearly trips over you and the other ... well he is a head, but once you got used to him you'd take his body to food club by grabbing his sleeve and taking him, and then you'd get someone taller to get his head back on, Humphrey was a good person but he understood why he scared you

Now we come to your two favourite people

Captain and Pat, they were like dad's to you, they were always there if you needed to talk, they would comfort you if anything upset or scared you, they made you laugh when you were feeling down, they were the people you saw as your parents, your real parents hadn't really cared for you, they had just let you go and be a cleaner for the people that lived in button house

Now, back to the present day

You were sitting in film club as the film ended you started to feel sleepy

Captain noticed so he said 'y/n I think you should go to bed, you look exhausted '

Being very tired and not thinking straight you said ' ok dad, night night everyone '

And then went to your room and went to sleep

Meanwhile everyone was looking at captain

Captain blinked a few times before saying ' did y/n just call me dad? '

Pat nodded while smiling at him

Julian was looking smug until robin said '. You owe me twenty pounds '

' what?! No! We're dead and anyway! It was a verbal, none binding agreement ' Julian insisted

' no!!! You do this every time! ' the two then left the room arguing

Fanny looked at captain and said ' it appears they see you as a parental figure captain '

She then left the room with a smile on her face and went to her room

Thomas didn't really say anything about the matter, he didn't have anything to add so he just followed Alison around instead

Humphrey wasn't there, he was god knows where

Kitty looked very happy, of course she saw captain as a father too, so she just giggled ' good night dad ' and left the room

Captain thought she was mocking and went to go after her but pat gave him a look that said ' she isn't joking '

Mary smiled and said ' tis' a blessing '

Captain was stunned but happy


I know it's not great but I won't be able to update again until Sunday as I'm watching my sisters dogs and this account isn't allowed to be seen by her 😂

I hope you enjoyed this!

Have a good day/night

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe and remember to take care of yourself and remember this too: you are an amazing person ❤️❤️❤️

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