Very much Requited

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Summary: you watch as captain fawns over Adam and perhaps you're a bit jealous

I can't find the comment where this was requested so if you did then... here? Idk

So sorry for the wait

Obviously he/him pronouns

And as always, cap is called Theodore tho that name isn't used As much in this one

Oh yeah and you are French for this one because we all know the French were fruity *cough Phillipe d'orleans*

You glared from the corner of the room as captain hung off the directors every word, you didn't understand, why was he so infatuated? This 'Adam' wasn't very handsome nor did he seem to have much of a personality...

You knew in the back of your mind you were being silly but you had been in love with the captain since he had died.

See you were a relative of the buttons and had travelled to England from your home in France to see your relatives for an event, you died in 1700 after getting food poisoning from something you had eaten, so when the captain had arrived, being a new face was much appreciated after losing so many to being 'sucked off'. From there you slowly but surely fell for the captain, always admiring him and his looks, your opinion always being that he was a very pretty person.

You huffed out as captain started imitating Adam, you rolled your eyes and walked out of the room, going to take a walk to cool off.

Eventually you get back to the house to find alison stood talking to mike, she finally notices you and smiles,
'oh hey y/n, got a bit sick of it all?'

You nodded with a sigh before saying,
'the captain is getting... uh, oh, on my nerves' still sometimes struggling with English you stays how you dies

Alison frowned and said 'why? What's he doing? Bossing everyone about?' She chuckled

' well... yes but also fawning over this... Adam, it is incredibly... irritating' you said, before sighing

' ohhh that, yeah... I'm sure it's something and nothing ' she smiled before looking over towards mike, suddenly there was a massive scream and Toby falls through the floor, or should I say, half of him falls through it.

He begins kicking his legs, almost kicking mike in the face, you look over and watch, covering your mouth slightly, unsure wether to laugh or worry.

Eventually mike helps Toby down, putting the two in a very awkward position.

Shouts of worry filled the room of people asking if toby is ok.

Later you and everyone else watch as the film crew leave, unhappy about the loss of money. Although Alison and mike did gain some money from mystery queen, Julian's bet.

Suddenly the captain says ' we'll, I shan't miss him uh- them.'

You knew he had no idea of your feelings however you could help but feel anger and jealousy burn in your chest, a fiery feeling that you despised but couldn't help.

You huffed and walked inside and went to the library, a place you loved due to the smell of the books and how often you would go in there when you were alive. You sat on the window sill and looked outside, feeling sadness emerging, you hated not being noticed by the captain, him just seeing you as another person who lived there, it was heartbreaking.

Suddenly you hear the sound of captain coming in through the wall, you looked over at him and forced a smile onto your face.

'Y/n? Are you alright?' He asked stiffly, a look on his face that almost looked like concern.

You nod but say nothing, not trusting your voice. The captain walked over, and gave you a soft look ' are you sure? You seem... angry' he says

If you were one of the others, he wouldn't have even cared but, what you were unaware of, was that the captain had gained feelings for you, the same kind he had felt towards William all those years ago. He loved the way your voice sounds, the strong French accent that tangled into your voice, the way you're so kind to everyone even if they don't deserve it, the way you could still stand your ground if needed. He loved everything about you, but he couldn't get the feelings out so he just treated you the same as everyone else.

He raised his hand to your shoulder to comfort you, softly patting you on the shoulder.

' angry?' You sigh before saying 'i- I suppose so... it's stupid, really'

'I'm sure it isn't y/n, you can tell me... if you like' he says softly, probably the softest you had ever heard him

' seriously, it's fine captain, I don't want to burden you.' You said quietly, still not looking at him, not wanting him to see the tears that sprung to your eyes, at how kind he had been, yet you were positive it was just the same as when kitty had been upset, or when Julian needed cheering up, you had decided years ago not to ever get your hopes up.

The captain frowned, 'it wouldn't burden me at all, y/n, please look at me' he says, his voice still soft like silk.

You shook your head, moving your hand to wipe away a stray tear.

' for gods sake man, look at m-' he gently grabs your chin and makes you look at him, his face morphs into shock to see the tears running down your face 'y/n?'

' captain, I told you it's stupid! Don't you have a club to go to or something.' You frowned, pushing his hand away.

' look, just tell me what's bothering you! I can see I've upset you!' He says, finding himself getting frustrated, unable to let you know he truly is interested, he just can't get the words out to tell you.

' you want to know? Fine. I'm in love with you! And seeing you infatuated with that.. Adam, upset me, I was jealous and then angry! I've tried to get your attention for so long and yet all he has to do is stand and look pretty. It upset me... As I said... it's stupid.' You said, tears trailing down your face, not liking having to admit your feelings, finally you stood up and began to storm out only to feel the captains hand wrap around your bicep. You look back at him, glaring ever so slightly at him.

' w-what was that first part?'

You frown, before widening your eyes, in your outburst, you had admitted your feelings... and used the L word.

' did- uhm... you love me?' He questions, doubt in his eyes having never been told that by anyone other than his mother and sister.

You nod sheepishly, not looking at him 'I know! I know my feelings are uhm... ' you hesitated trying to find the word

' very much requited y/n... I have felt the same for some years now' he said softly, almost not believing that he had managed to say it

' y-you have?!'


I'm so so so sorry for the wait, it's been well over a year I know, I've been so busy with homework and then mocks and then work experience, I've finally got back to it, if you have sent me a request, please message me directly about it so I can find it and write it, I have 4 drafts with some I had started.

I hope this was enjoyable


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