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Summary: it's your death day and robin comforts you... or attempts to in his own way

This was requested by: urmomsinmyhouse

I am so sorry for the wait! It was not in any way intentional

Y/n uses they/them pronouns because why not :)


You sighed as you looked out your bedroom window, it was your death day, you of course were miserable on this day, but this time you just felt more upset than you usually did on this day, probably because for the first time, your family hadn't come to visit.

Unlike with pat, only your sister came to visit, she would bring flowers and her girlfriend, rest them by the fence where you had died, say a few words through teary eyes and then leave as her girlfriend comforted her.

This year, you waited all day to see her... nothing...

You wrapped your arms around yourself as the sun went down, you never experienced this before... feeling alone... of course being dead you didn't have a family, but you did have the other ghosts comfort.

A small tear slipped down your face when someone barged into your room without knocking.

' go away... I want to be alone' you sniffled, not intending to sound so rude

'... you upset, me want to help, come with me' robin says, in his gruff voice, though trying to say it softly.

'No... I don't want to go out there, robin just let me be miserable in peace' you muttered, not turning to look at him

However robin kept insisting that you go with him, so eventually you just went with him.

He took you outside, the sky was clear and you could see all the beautiful, sparkling stars in the sky.

'Why are we out here robin?' You asked quietly

' you feel sad because family did not come today?' He said, though it sounded like a question so you nodded 'we all lose family, family eventually stop coming for us, but you have us, we not real family but... we care' he smiled

You gave him a soft smile back, ' thank you Robin, but I still don't understand why we're outside'

' being out here... make me happy, so I thought could make you happy too' he said kindly.

You smiled at him and put your head on his shoulder ' thank you'

For the rest of the evening you both sat out there and looked at the stars, enjoying each others company, just existing rather than having to worry or be upset.


I know it's been about 7 months, it's finally written! I'm so so sorry!!!

I hope you enjoyed this!


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