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Description: he should be listening to his partners talk, but all he can do is admire him instead.

Requested by: NotBee_real

This was requested as smut but I'm so sorry I struggle writing smut all together ( like proper smut, you should have seen how long that last one took me lmao), and pats even harder to write smut for, so it is implied smut ( I hope to be able to fulfill this request one day, I just need to get better at writing for pat and writing smut :)

I'm so sorry to disappoint

I hope you enjoy

The ghosts were holding one of their clubs, this time it was talking about actors/actresses they had admired in life/ now admire ( as some couldn't when alive).

It was Pats turn, as Kitty had said Olivia Newton John ( RIP), Julian said, "that one from fifty shades of grey... nah can't remember...", the others were unsure if he meant the woman or the man but that didn't really matter. Fanny had become a rather big fan of Cate Blanchett ( same girl, same).

Now it was Pats turn to talk.

' well, my Favorite actor is Owen Wilson because-'

From there, captain heard nothing. He was too busy staring at pat, he had always admired how happy he was all the time. In a way captain wished he could be like that, but at the same time, it sounded exhausting.

Captain let his eyes wonder from pats smile to his eyes, ever bright, beautiful things, they always seemed to sparkle especially when he was talking about something important to him. Perhaps pats glasses helped the glint become more prominent, but either way, captain loved it.

Captain could sit and admire pat all day if given the chance, how happy he always his, how sparkly his eyes are, how the side of his eyes wrinkled when he smiled, or how he would grab at his shorts when nervous or excited, probably a sort of way to ground himself, much like when captain gripped the Swagger stick.

Suddenly everyone was getting up and walking out, and pat came to sit next to captain, finally he snapped out of it, and looked at pat, 'are you alright love?' Pat asked softly.

' hm? Oh yes.. thank you, why wouldn't I be?' Captain asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

' well, you've been staring at me like I was an alien for the last half hour whilst I did my talk.' Pat chuckled.

' what? How preposterous, I was just listening to you intently!'

' oh yeah? What was I talking about?' Ah... he had him there...

' well... uhm.. you... you were talking about your favorite actor!' Captain said triumphantly.

' oh yeah? And who was my favorite actor?'

Captains eyes widened, he looked down trying to think, Wilson... it was something Wilson.... It started with an O...

'Come on man, think' captain muttered under his breath, ' Oscar Wilson?'

' close, Owen Wilson. I knew you weren't listening! So if you weren't listening, what were you thinking about?' Pat said softly, taking captains hands into his own, the glint in Pats eyes said he knew exactly what captain was thinking about. Him.

' that's- uhm... nothing, I wasn't... '

' you weren't thinking? Maybe if Tom was saying that, I'd believe him, but you? No love, I know you werent just sat there blankly...' pat leaned in closer, ' you know what else I know? It's rude to stare lovey'

Captains eyebrows raised, now he was definitely thinking... certain things...

Pat chuckled and stood up, ' come on... I think you should come and tell me what you were thinking about... whilst we do some other activities'

Activities... pats specialty.


I am again so sorry for not writing this as smut like you wanted but as I said, I can't write smut very well and for pat, it would be awful.

I really hope this was at least enjoyable.
Have a good day

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