Beauty sent from the heavens

384 10 19

Description: Thomas is supposed to be the poet in the relationship, but you always seem to say the most poetic things that make him stumble over his words.

Yk what, I got this idea whilst writing a poem... that may or may not be about Thomas lmao.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this ( it wasn't requested.)

Y/n uses they/them pronouns cuz we haven't had a non-binary y/n in ages



You had died in 2000, Julian always chuckled that it was a rather unfortunate year to die, that you missed seeing the new century, but you didn't mind, because your life had never been anything extraordinary, however your death... you met a man you could have only thought up in your dreams. That man was Thomas Thorne.

When he told you he felt for you, he had been ecstatic when you told him you felt the same way, letting out an excited shout, finally he had not been spurned...

When you thought of your relationship with Thomas, the only word that came to mind was beautiful, your relationship really was just that, never once had either of you become angered at the other - even if it was often hard not to.

Instead you would take a breath before talking to the other about why you disagreed or why what each of you had said was wrong.

He treated you like the most amazing person in the world, like you were an angel who had been sent for him and him alone. And that's often how you felt, as if your life had led up to this, meeting this absolute stunner of a man.

You would often just sit and admire him, as he recited a poem, or even just stared out the window, you would sit opposite him, adoring him.

One day, you were both sat at his window seat, just basking in each others company, when the sun shone in, and honestly you had never seen such a glorious sight, you couldn't help but stare.

' what? Have I something on my face?' He asked, noticing your stare.

' no..., I'm just admiring your beauty, the sun reflecting off your face, it's like it can only shine down on your to reflect your vision to the world...' not the most poetic, but you just spurted your thoughts to him.

You just stared back at you for a moment before grinning, ' honestly, y/n, how is it that I am the poet yet your words beat mine everytime'

' OI LOVEBIRDS! GET A ROOM! I'm gonna puke at this rate!' Julian shouted over making you flick him the finger, you were often like that with Julian, he would mock you, you would swear or flick him the bird, and vise Versa.

Thomas smiled at you, he liked that you often didn't get along with Julian because he didn't either so it meant he didn't have to talk to him!

Being petty, you Stuck your tongue out at Julian as you pulled Thomas out by the hand, making robin laugh and point at the politician causing an argument.

You chuckled walking up the stairs taking him to the library, another place the two of you enjoyed staying as the lighting was gorgeous against the books.

You both sat in the window seat, you smiled at Thomas, ' sorry for dragging you, I just didn't want to be around that idiot'

' it's quite already darling, I prefer it in here mostly... except the poetry shelves' he said glaring over at that section, making you giggle.

He loved having you as a partner, he would write sonnet after sonnet about you, he would read them to you constantly allowing you to just listen, to the good and the bad, you still just sat and listened.

You were an English major and you had done history in college so you had fairly similar interests to Thomas... and similar a very hatred for Byron.

It was a while ago you had found out each others hatred for him.

You were watching the film crew come in with Thomas and you went down to have a look, both gasping when you realized it was about Byron.

' ugh, why is he getting attention... AGAIN!' You complained, making Thomas look at you.

' you despise him too?'

' oh god yes I do! Disgusting man! Although, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have Frankenstein's monster so I suppose I should be greatful for that.'

Thomas frowned, trying to think why he would have anything to do with that, you chuckled and said, ' he had offered to have a threesome with Mary Shelley and Percy Shelley, she said no, so whilst Percy and he were... at it, she wrote Frankenstein.'

' really? My gods I never knew that... '

' why do you hate him?' You asked out of curiosity.

' he stole my piece! My work and published it as if his own' you weren't entirely sure you believed him, but you had another reason to dislike the man, so you went along with it.

' god what a-'

' tosspot' you both said at the same time making you both smile. You'd been in a relationship for a while at this point but never discussed Byron.

' may I ask why you hate him? You never met him correct?'

' no... he was long since dead, however, the man was an abusive, disgusting man who had an affair with his half sister, if the history books are correct, that was frowned upon even then.. right?' 

' yes, it was! Y/n, it wasn't robins era, no it was very much so, gods, he was an animal...' Thomas said, flabbergasted at this new information, however he was very happy to have more reason to despise the man.


You and Thomas sat in the window of the library watching the sun go down, your head on his shoulder, ' what did I do to deserve you Thomas Thorne'

' I should be asking that my love, you're the most precious person I have ever met...' he spoke softly, his hand tracing words into your arm.

You smiled watching the sun go down, you hoped this would stay the same for eternity.


So as I said, this is written from a poem I wrote about Thomas, uhm... yeah

I hope you enjoyed this!
Have a good day

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