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Description: you are genderfluid, not many of the ghosts understand, but Julian does his best

This was not requested, however I'm genderfluid and have cried 3 times over gender today.

So I'm going to write this.

I kinda had an idea, that genderfluid ghosts would be able to change their appearance and make themselves look male, non binary or female presenting, or anything else they were feeling that day! I guess that would be like their power but idk.

This will be a Julian fic, mainly cuz I head cannon him as pan and tbh, he would definitely be happy with it.

But I can write a genderfluid character with any other ghost if it's wanted!


You had died at button house, quite unexpectedly, you had been there, singing at a party, when you had got stabbed by someone, you believed it was a hate crime due to your openness about your sexuality and gender.

You hadn't expected your life, or career to end that quickly, you had only been 26.

It wasn't until a few weeks later when you discovered that you had the ability to appear whatever gender you felt at the time, you were happy, when you looked in the mirror, feeling Masculine at the time, you had jumped at first, not realizing what had happened, but you were ecstatic to realize you could look the way you felt.

It took the others a while to get used to it, when you had first gone downstairs to food club, Pat had introduced himself and all the ghosts believed you had only just died!

' oh! A new ghost! Wow! First y/n died now you? I'm pat! An-'

'No! No pat, it's me... y/n... I uhm... I can change how... I uh look... I guess '

You were very awkward and uncomfortable about it at first, especially at Lady Buttons reaction

' you were born ______So that's what you are young ____' she had screeched

But after a while, you all got used to it, Julian and robin thought it was a really cool power, neither minding that you were genderfluid.

Kitty and pat were extremely supportive, kitty always complemented how you looked and checked how to address you, and pat always checked for pronouns.

You were still technically wearing what you died in, but it slightly modified to the correct look you wanted, which you liked,

Thomas often swooned over your looks, but eventually got over it when Alison moved in

Captain, though cautious, was happy that you could be yourself and enjoy your death to the best of your abilities.

Fanny and Mary were very very scared of the whole thing, Mary just because she thought of it as witch craft, but she got used to it, and Fanny... well it was obvious why. But she got over herself in 2010 when you had snapped at her about the matter, sick of her constant quips.

Humphrey... well Humphrey had no opinion, he was just pleased to get company, which you often gave him, he enjoyed learning about modern day things from you, and about your concerts.

In 2015, you noticed Julian become more infatuated with you, sometimes making crude jokes, sometimes just asking questions about you.

After a while, the two of you got together, Julian was better than any partner you had, had in the past, at first you didn't expect the relationship to work, he was a pant-less Tory who died having sex.

But after a while, you kind of forgot about that and noticed the nice things about him, how he would hold your hand a lot, how he would defend you in arguments, but he still respected that you could hold your own in those arguments.

He just understood you.

You would often sit on the sofa together, you sitting up, whilst he lay with his head on your knee as you ran your fingers through his hair.

When Alison arrived, you had been conflicted when he pushed her out the window, you defended him, of course, but you still felt it was wrong of him to do, he explained how filled with regret he was, and you all moved past it.

When you all began introducing yourselves PROPERLY to Alison, Julian had said, ' and this is y/n, they're my boyfriend'

He said it with such pride that your heart melted, you loved it when he used mismatched pronouns, which he often did, sometimes, in one sentence he would use she, he and they in an attempt to be supportive, which you appreciated.

But he was happy to just use one when you were feeling that specific gender.

Who knew Julian could be so supportive, loving and caring, it just took the right person.


I'm sorry if this is rubbish, I was just desperate to write a genderfluid character!

I really hope you enjoyed this

Have a good day

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