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Description; during pride, Mike and Alison come across you looking broken, only to find out your parents kicked you out for being transmasc and non-binary. So they take you in.

Requested by: gabybara

So if the description doesn't make it obvious,  y/n's pronouns are they/them

Warnings: mentions of transphobia and being kicked out.

I hope you enjoy this!

You were stood in the middle of pride. You had got yourself all ready for pride, ready to come out to your parents at the same time! It was your first ever pride and you were so excited.

You had run downstairs, all ready, ' mum, dad im going out, but I need to tell you something first'

Your parents looked up, and gasped when they saw you, luckily you already had short hair because you didn't like how it felt on the back of your neck.

However you were wearing a binder that you had bought from a shop whilst out. You had a trans flag and a non-binary flag In your hand and you were wearing makeup that had been used to make yourself look more masculine.

' what the fuck. What have you done to yourself y-'

' uhm... dad.. stop, let me speak... please? I want to be addressed as y/n from now on... and I... I think- no... I know, I'm trans but I want to use they/them pronouns. And I'm going to pride.' You said, confidently, not prepared to take your father's constant bullcrap.

' I condoned the short hair. But this? What a load of absolute b-'

You shook your head, you didn't want to think about how horrid your father had been, you looked down at the duffel bag on your shoulder, you father had made you pack everything and then kicked you out the house, promising the locks would be changed so you couldn't get back in again.

You roughly wiped away your tears, watching the parade go past.

Suddenly a couple came up to you, they were both holding Bi flags and had makeup on, they looked fantastic, they must have been before.

' hey, we... well, we saw you crying from over there, we wanted to check you were alright...' the lady said, trying to talk over the music.

' I- I'm fine... thank you though.' You replied, not wanting to burden her with your problems.

The couple looked at one another then back at you, the man then said, ' that's a proper big bag for just pride... do you live round here?'

' uh... y-... oh.. uhm... I used to' you said, not sure whether to trust the pair or not.

' used to? I... I'm sorry to be nosy, but are you saying you were kicked out?' Alison said, connecting the dots.

' uh...' you sighed, there was no point in lying now, ' yeah.. my dad doesn't like that I'm trans... he kinda flipped out... said he was gonna change the locks...'

' oh my... do you have a place to stay?'

You shook your head with a frown, feeling tears return to your eyes. ' I... I didn't think it through... I guess I thought I'd use what I have left to buy a few essentials and then-'

' no! No, I'm sorry, but no, if you're implying you're going to sleep on the street... we can't- I- hang on' the lady said before dragging her partner a little bit away from you.

You watched the two talk before they came back, ' ok, I'm Alison, this is Mike, ... I know you don't know us, and you can say no, but, would you like to come stay with us? Even if it's just till you make up with your parents?'

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