Watching ( part 2)

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Description: part two to watching because it was wanted by many people:)

Requested by: NotBee_real  and a few other readers :)

So sorry for the wait, I've had a hectic couple of weeks, but I'm back now, and on half term (woohoo) so requests will be done! I have about 6 to do rn, so here goes!

I really hope this is ok!

Also it's now from captains perspective!


Damn it! Damn it! God Thorne got on his nerves!

Captain marched out of Thomas' room having confronted the man about his spying, of course, Thomas had protested, which annoyed the soldier even more because he was insulting his intelligence.

' the nerve! To be caught spying and then to deny it!' Captain vented to Fanny about the matter, who thoroughly enjoyed the gossip of it all.

' you ought to put him in his place you know... spying is incredibly rude! If a gentleman did that in my day... well... let's just say he would not get away with it!' Fanny said insistently

' ... quite right Fanny... I think I was too easy on him... he didn't seem the slightest bit apologetic or remorseful!'

Deep down, captain knew he just wanted Thomas' attention, the real reason captain was upset was, he wasn't entirely sure if he had been right, what if Thomas hadn't even been watching him! That wouldn't only be humiliating... but in a way... captain wanted Thomas to watch him.

Captain tapped his foot on the floor, thinking on the matter, Fanny had left a good few minutes ago, letting the captain think. And think he did, he sat for a whole three quarters of an hour, thinking on how to catch Thomas out... well that's what he told himself. In reality, captain wanted to get Thomas' attention, but admitting that would be preposterous!

Unfortunately, having not really done this kind of thing before, captain couldn't come up with a plan, he thought about running slower past the window, but Thomas isn't stupid enough to try spying on him like that again...

Captain sat for ages thinking, but alas no ideas came to mind, captain huffed softly to himself
' surely it can't be that hard...'

' what can't be that hard?'

Captain jumped at the sound, lifting his swagger stick up in defense, to see, the person he had been getting himself all upset about.

Was it really that easy? He just had to sit there?

' I knew it! You are spying on me Thorne!' Captain said, in a tone that sounded a little more like relief than anger.

Thomas rolled his eyes, ' balderdash!  Honestly, anyone would come into you when you're muttering and mumbling loudly to yourself!'

Captain frowned and stood up, ' I most certainly was not!'

' you were captain. I thought there was something wrong so I came to check. I won't next time'

' when have you ever cared about anyone else but yourself?!'

By now, the two were stood so close that their noses could touch if one moved. Captain faltered slightly but stood his ground, he could see the look on Thomas' face, like a kicked puppy.

He wanted to apologize but that would mean defeat, they didn't win the war by apologizing!

So instead, he backed away and bowed his head slightly before trying to leave, only for his wrist to be grabbed by Thomas

' I was... watching you... not spying! But watching...'


I thought I would be cruel and leave it there ( seeing as people wanted a part three as well lol)

I hope it was enjoyable and no one was out of character

Have a good day

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