' you know you're quite cute when you're angry '

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Summary: Thomas has a crush... again

Requested by: Endershr00m_

Julian x Thomas

Ok so I have absolutely no clue how to write this so bare with me, I've thought on it all frickin day, literally I went on an hour long walk so I could think and nothing came to me so I'm working with a few scraps of ideas that I had this morning

I hope this is gonna be ok



Thomas had a crush.. again

But this time he didn't understand it

His crush wasn't on fair Alison or lucy nor Rachel from friends

He did not feel he could express it like he usually did

He was confused by his feelings... because his crush was not only on a man but on Julian Fawcett

That's right, you read that correctly my dear reader

Julian Fawcett, the man who died of a Heart Attack During Sex.

Thomas felt disgusted, not that he had become attracted to a man, oh no, but because that man was Julian

Sure Julian was good looking and funny and sure he could be kind at times

But other than that, Thomas didn't understand

Thomas almost hated himself for it

But he would follow Julian around, ask him questions about his life, he even asked about parliament... ... He didn't even care about parliament, he just wanted to hear Julian's voice

As I said, Thomas hated himself for this, he didn't know where this new found attraction had stemmed from but he knew he needed rid of it

He decided to go talk to Alison, she was the one who gave the ghosts advice

He wandered into the kitchen and was very pleased when he found Alison in there

' Alison? ' he said

' yes Thomas? ' she said turning to him

' ... I- I'm unsure how to say this but... I feel I have caught feelings for someone... one of my fellow ghosts ' he said slowly, looking at his shoes

' really? ' she said with a smile, at least he won't follow her around anymore ' who? If you don't mind me asking '

He hesitated before walking closer to her and saying in a quiet voice ' ... Julian... I've become attracted to that damn idiot '

Alison was surprised, she expected him to say kitty or captain or even Humphrey but never in a million years did she imagine it would be Julian

' I- uhm- ok ' she said looking at him ' Julian? As in the Tory? The dead guy?' She asked, wanting to confirm she'd heard him correctly

' yes... him ' Thomas muttered with an awfully miserable look on his face

' wel-' she was cut off by the sound of Mike calling her


' COMING! Thomas thank you for telling me this information but I'm going to have to go help Mike ' She rushed before leaving the room in a hurry

Thomas sighed before someone tapped on his shoulder

Thomas spun around to see the one and only Julian Fawcett

' Julian!' Thomas jumped

' yes... Thomas... I was walking in hear when I heard you and Alison talking ' he said with a sly smile

Thomas' eyes widened before he said ' erm, y-yes I was talking to Alison about... uh about-'

' about? From what I heard, your feelings for me? ' Julian stated, waiting for Thomas' reply

' ... n-no I think you've got that quite wrong ' Thomas insisted, hating the smug look on Julian's face

' I don't think I have '

' well you can think what you like... ' Thomas said Getting angry

' you know you're quite cute when you're angry ' Julian smirked

' I-' Thomas was speechless

He just glared at Julian and stormed out

' yeah he's definitely got a massive crush on me ' Julian grinned to himself  ' dead and you still got it ' he muttered to himself before going to find robin


So I wasn't quite sure how to write this

I know you asked for angst but wasn't quite sure how to add it in so this is the outcome

I hope you enjoyed this

Have a good day/night


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