Green eyed monster.

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Description; you were SICK of Thomas' flirting, especially since you were in a relationship with him, so you took matters into your own hands.

Warnings; smut. Sorry guys, I know I've posted a lot as of recent, however I'm just writing any ideas I have/get sent cuz I'm really getting back into writing again.

Please feel free to skip this if it makes you uncomfortable ( warning, I already know the next chapter is smut too as it has been requested! So please skip this and the next chapter if it makes you uncomfortable in anyway! )

Y/n uses she/her pronouns just because :)

This wasn't requested btw


You were sat next to Julian who was talking about one of his affairs in life, you and him had been close friends since you had died.

However you weren't really listening, you were too busy glaring over at your boyfriend who was currently flirting with Alison. You saw red, you were SICK of Thomas flirting with Alison, you understood it wasn't really his fault, it's just cuz he died like that, however you were his partner, you didn't see why he still flirted!

' earth to y/n! God woman, what's the matter with y- ohhh, green eyed monster come out to play?' He chuckled, realizing where you were looking

' what??' You said, frustrated.

' you! Honestly, you're gonna turn green with envy! If you don't like him making moves on Alison, go remind him only you can make him feel good, if you know what I mean' Julian chuckled, waggling his eyebrows making you roll your eyes.

' ugh, gods sake Julian, not everything has to be about sex...'

' but you think it's a good idea' he said, deadpanning you.

You squinted at him in a glare but then said ' yes' before standing up, and walking over to Thomas.

' apologies Alison, but can I borrow my boyfriend please?' You said possessively

' please do y/n' she said, looking greatful at being saved from the torture Thomas was putting her through.

' y/n? What's the matter?' Thomas asked, looking down at your hand which was clasped around his wrist, dragging him up stairs to your room.

You got into the room, luckily the door was shut, and you then, and only then, let go of his wrist that you had been grasping tightly.

' y/n?'

' shut up Thomas' you muttered, moving closer to him and grasping his jaw and pulling him into a rough kiss.

Thomas gasped into the kiss, not expecting it, he kissed you back, however when you pulled back, he finally understood.

' I think it's time you learned that you shouldn't flirt with other people whilst you're in a relationship Thomas.' You mumbled, not sure if you were angry or not.

' wha- oh... y/n, I'm so sorry I-'

' save it, I understand that you stay how you die, however, I believe you are able to stop with the comments.' You grumbled whilst kissing down his neck, nipping him a couple of times

' I- uhm...' his mind went blank, in life he had only done things like this a couple of times with flings. Of course the two of you had done things together, but never in these circumstances.  ' I-i don't understand... if you're angry, a-and not that I'm complaining, but why are you kissing me?'

' because I'm about to show you, only I can make you feel as amazing as I do' you whispered in his ear.

He gasped slightly, nodding, ' I- uhm... I-'

' before we do anything, are you alright with this Thomas?' You asked, not wanting to do anything without consent

' yes! Oh god yes' he replied quickly

' good' you said before gently pushing him to the bed, when his knees hit the mattress, he fell backwards taking you with him.

You quickly straddled his hip and leaned down to continue kissing him, slowly unbuttoning his bed and shirt, you looked down at his now bare chest and smiled, you always appreciated how he was toned but he wasn't super muscly or anything.

You kissed across his chest, again, nipping ever so often, before moving back up and finding his sweet spot under his ear.

To this Thomas moaned softly, greatful he was laying down otherwise his knees would have buckled.

You cautiously circled your hips making his eyes go wide and he moaned again, staring up at you in awe.

You repeated this, making him whine, his hands rose to your hips, partly to help with your balance and partly to be able to touch you.

You undid your blouse that you had died in, though you left it on your arms so your clothes didn't immediately fix themselves.

' y-y/n' he muttered from underneath you, ' you're gorgeous... I could write a hundred sonnets on your beauty a-' only for him to be cut off by a whine as you moved your hips again.

' such a flatterer Thomas' you muttered, ' remember that next time you think about trying to Woo Alison'

You knew Thomas was very vocal during these acts, usually you would put a hand over his mouth or try use his cravat to keep him quiet, but this time, you couldn't find it in you to care how loud he was being. You knew Alison had ABSOLUTELY NO interest in Thomas whatsoever, she had made that very clear, however, you felt like you wanted everyone
To hear... which sometimes felt wrong but  as I said, you couldn't find it in you to care.


so I know this isn't like proper smut but it's as close as I've ever come to writing actual smut ( which is likely gonna be the next chapter as requested by many of you)

I really hope you enjoyed this!
Have a good day!

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