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Description: Thomas begins to notice things about an unexpected person that he just can't ignore

Requested by; NotBee_real

Warnings: angst

This is a pairing with two characters, so there's no y/n in this one :)

I hope this is what you wanted, and thank you for requesting, I've now got a system where I write down what's being requested and do it in time order, however if I have missed your request, please message me or put a comment on to let me know :)


Thomas was sat at his sighing spot, staring out the window, a solemn look on his face as he was stuck in the whirlwind of thoughts going through his mind.

He sighed softly for what seemed like the 100th time in the last hour. You see, he was stuck, for the first time in his life, he didn't understand his feelings, he didn't feel like making a poem but instead just decided to sit and contemplate his thoughts.

His thoughts were confusing and to Thomas, concerning, as he looked out the window, he caught glimpse of the one that confused him

' damn that man' Thomas muttered to himself.

The man in question, had no idea he was being cursed, or even looked at.

The thing that confused Thomas, wasn't that his feelings were directed towards a man, oh no, that wasn't a problem, he had, had a fling with a man when was alive, the problem was that... the man in question, was uptight, loud, bossy and had a stiff upper lip.

His feelings had become directed towards the captain.

Thomas huffed yet again, this time, whilst robin was walking past, he had heard Thomas' huffing, puffing and sighing for a while now and decided to see why.

' what wrong Thomas? ' Robin asked, going to sit next to the poet.

Thomas looked Robin up and down before saying, ' it's not a matter that the likes of you could comprehend. Leave me to wallow in my feelings!'

Robin rolled his eyes, ' no. You huff and grunt for hour now, what wrong?'

Thomas looked at robin in offense, ' how dare you sir! I most certainly do not grunt! I am no animal!'

Robin gave Thomas a warning look that made his skin crawl so he just took a shaky breath - though Thomas did this at minor inconveniences so this was not new- and then said, ' it is the captain... he has caught my eye and I am not entirely sure how or why...'

Robin's eyebrows shot up, ' you in big love with captain? That is surprise' he muttered the last bit before asking, ' why not tell him? Like with Alison?'

' me? Tell the captain? Pfft as if, he would send me with a flea in my ear, not to mention, he can't even bring himself to admit his attraction towards men, never mind mine!'

Robin hummed gruffly with a nod, ' you write poem?'

' I doubt he is the type to enjoy and experience the art of poetry robin, come on man... oh it's hopeless! Why must I be cursed to unrequited love' Thomas cried loudly, clearly alerting the others to his dramatics, they all just ignored him with a roll of their eyes.

Robin decided he was tired of Thomas' dramatics and walked off to go annoy Julian, Thomas sighed, looking out the window again looking to see if he could see captain, when he did, he saw the army man, looking back up at him with a frown on his features, his hands on his hips.

Thomas squeaked softly before standing up and rushing off to his room, hoping to avoid the captain for the foreseeable.

He sat on his bed and groaned into his hands, ' why must I do this everytime...'

Suddenly he heard footsteps, he took his head out of his hands and looked at the door where captain came marching in.

' excuse me sir! What do you think you're doing?!' Thomas demanded, his voice about twice as high as it usually would be.

' I could ask you the same thing Thorne, I do not take kindly to being spied on!' Captain in a raised voice.

'Spying? Oh honestly, I was looking out the window!'

' oh really? Then why were your eyes on me whenever I walked past the house?'

Thomas paused, slightly embarrassed that he was noticed, he wouldn't normally be embarrassed but the way captain said it, he felt like it was wrong...

Captain hummed, looking smug at Thomas' silence. ' as I thought...'

' if that's all you wanted, would you kindly leave my room?' Thomas said softly.

' no. I don't think that is all Thorne, I want to know why you were watching me' captain pushed, looking rather happy to be in control of the situation

'I told you... I wasn't'

' oh come now Thorne, I saw you! And I demand to know why!'

Thomas felt himself getting more and more frustrated, desperate to tell captain the reason but he knew he couldn't

' GET OUT now! Please...' Thomas whispered the last part.

Captain jumped at the shout and huffed, ' fine... this isn't over Thorne, i can promise you that'

After captain left, Thomas couldn't stop thinking about captains words... and how he said them

' damn it...' he muttered to himself


I'm sorry, I didn't really know how to write this, so I did my best

If it's wanted, I'm willing to do a part two maybe from captains perspective...

Anyway I hope it was enjoyable enough and I'm sorry there wasn't a happy ending I just didn't know how to write it

Have a good day

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