He coughed roughly

Almost choking, sending shivers down Jeonghan's spine.
The older gasped and helped Seungkwan gulp down some cold water. It took him a couple of minutes but he calmed down and looked even more tired than ever.

"I'm so sorry Seungkwan, I don't know what happened"

"You're a bad cook that's what happened"

The younger teased and Jeonghan's guilty face was the saddest thing he has ever seen

"I'm kidding" he coughed a little in between "I just can't swallow much, it's not your fault"

"Well I should have known better"

"It's okay" Seungkwan said letting his head lean back on his pillow and squirmed under his blanket.
Jeonghan watched him closely and pressed the back of his hand against Seungkwan's forehead, the boy was still on fire and it explains why he's been shivering.

He sighed deeply

"Let me get you something else" Jeonghan suggested "Is juice okay?"

Seungkwan nodded "Juice will be just fine Han, thank you"

Seungkwan sipped on the juice box in his hand, it was cool, soothing his throbbing throat. He finally sat it aside and laid back down, he was drowsy again and tried to get some sleep

He woke up about thirty minutes later, not as much woke up as opened his eyes slightly enough to glance at Jeonghan sitting by his side and closed them right back. Jeonghan pressed the cold towel over and over against Seungkwan's forehead, his fever was intense and it wasn't breaking not even a little.

Seungkwan fell asleep almost an hour ago and Jeonghan was worried. People with intense fever aren't supposed to fall sleep this deep, it increases the chances of them slipping into coma ... right? Right? ...

Jeonghan was worried out of his mind.

He tried to wake Seungkwan up a few times but the younger squirmed and whined avoiding every attempt Jeonghan made.

His phone rang
Thank God
"Vernon please tell me you're close by"

"Actually I'm right here" Vernon said through the phone "It's been a while since I came here, 5th floor is it?"

"Yes GOD yes, second one to the left, I'll be right there"

Jeonghan run to open the door and luckily Vernon only took a minute to appear
"Gosh you have no idea how happy am I to see you" Jeonghan gave Vernon a quick hug "You're soaking wet Vernon" Jeonghan let go and eyed the boy up and down

"If you haven't noticed there's a major storm outside ... How is he? How bad is it?"

"Bad enough, I'm worried out of my mind" they both hurried inside and Vernon put the bag on the table "I got what I could, the pharmacist suggested a bunch of things and I grabbed whatever I could find at my apartment too"

"Thank you Ver, which ones the pharmacist recommend?"

"Antibiotics and painkillers, he also said we need to keep him hydrated ... where is he? I want to see him"

Jeonghan grabbed the medicine boxes and lead Vernon inside "I've been trying to wake him up for a while, his fever is intense, it basically didn't break since this morning and he's been too tired"

Vernon finally walked inside Seungkwan's bedroom, it was dark with only the bedside table lamp on sending dimmed lights throughout the room. Seungkwan looked merely sleeping but he wasn't really aware of anything

Stay Strong Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now