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Making up more of the pumpkin cake balls you answer for your stuttering men who won't look at Rose and you know why. They are both equally embarrassed but seeing Tae's face you understand.

Speaking in English softly you say. "Rose with you being innocent to their eyes the idea of your mate doing that with you makes them want to beat him up for even thinking of doing that with you."

Raising an eyebrow in question your men are nodding and uncomfortable so your surprised that Jungkook speaks for them. "Rose your mate or not you never have to do anything you don't want to. And anyone who hurts you well we're your brothers now."

Jimin is nodding in sync with Tae who points a long pinky finger out to her. "We promise always to take your side over your mates, you are as much a sister to Angelique and the others as we are to each other."

She links her small finger with Tae and when the other two link fingers as well you can't help the tears that form in your eyes but then your laughing as Rose says.

"Thank you for including me and I'll remember you said that. I was just curious if guys liked it that much?"

Clearing your throat knowing they wouldn't answer you draw four pairs of eyes as you say first in Korean. "She's twenty one and we as women decided to not handle her with kid gloves and answer and will continue to do so until she knows about the ways of lovers. Try to act like mature men I know you can be?"

Switching to English you say. "If they blush it's because they understand more English then they let on as usual. Come help me with these hun and I'll answer your question."

As you explain the finer delicate details of Anal sex and the joy of it even for a girl you have told her that there's creams and lubes to help whether it's the first time or not. Explaining how with Tae the numbing cream was always needed you see his ears turning bright red.

Once you've popped the last of the cake balls in the freezer and are cleaning up together the men know it must be safe to venture over as Jungkook still a little pink faced asks. "Balls of cake? All the carbs and sweets that will be there to sample. I'm very excited, for all the food."

But feeling impish and wanting the game to continue for Rose's sake you look right at his medium sized white sweats. "Are you? I've seen you more excited."

Rose giggles watching his shock and blush but then is left wide eyed as Jungkook slips back into his roll moving towards you. "Oh yeah babe? Because I've got more excitement I could show."

Sometimes the English words they did know surprised you but also thrilled you hearing them come off their tongue with the accent. Knowing Rose was curious what you would do next as she tended to take what she saw as a lesson, once trapped by him you put one hand up slowly before the other and linking your hands behind his head you spoke.

"I can feel it already, always excited around me, but my Dad's here." You loved when the younger Maknae line played up their rolls of being youths in America and were less inclined to be so proper with you. She seems to want to see you guys be seductive and cute, like a player. You tell him touching his hair lightly.

"Come on, just one kiss." He says on a whisper giving you no time to say no as his lips touch yours.

By the time you go over with Rose to the couch she was sleeping on you shake your head when she pats the couch. "I better not."

After the kiss with Jungkook your men had been more then willing to show off different kissing techniques to Rose who had watched interested in the going ons. It was Jimin who had palmed your ass before exclaiming. "Where's your panties?!"

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