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When you look around Yoongi no longer is standing with you and sitting down in your vanilla baby powder cloud you say. "Are you here Chayton?"

"I'm with him Kiki."

"Shyla! Are you okay?"

"I cried a little but I'm good." 

Talking with Shyla more as you know Chayton is getting things in place he finally says. "We'll do this twice. Shyla will bring you back to me after the games." Sitting back as you watch the movie play out of your life and when it ends with you on a plane going back to Korea at seventeen you blink as it stops and Chayton says. "That was Namjoon's rule. I have no idea what your memories are after that. He would only do this if you and Jungkook shared so you really will just have to wait."

He fiddles with some dials and you feel like the Matrix as the memories of your brother and Jason come in. The ones with Jason haven't changed as he's still a loveable annoying butthead who you skate with. But you had made it clear that you considered him as good a friend as Trish. Happy with the memories as you watched little moments and gatherings and parties that included your family extended and otherwise. 

You couldn't help but finally say. "When I come through after the games some of those memories with Junior and Trish kept going in and out."

Chayton nods. "Yeah it's not important but if you want it cleaned I'll do that?"

You shrug. "If it's not important don't worry about it. Chayton do you know who his mate is? Did he get one yet?"

Watching Jason kiss some guy at a party but it was really dark and he was in a spa. 

"He is definitely more Top." You say making Shyla laugh.

"Well whoever he ends up with I hope he's nice and loving. I wish he could have babies. I'd have one for him if I wasn't always pregnant though with my own." And as more memories come flooding in you look at Shyla suddenly and at Chayton before looking at her again and she's shushing you. 

"I'm afraid that one will be scrubbed out until I actually tell you about it. Thems da rules Chicka." She says passing Chayton something and he does something and you ask.

"What's the rules?" You ask forgetting what you were talking as you saw an image of Namjoon with no shirt floating by your mind.

"When you're ready I'm going to need you to eat the cookie bar Angelique."

Looking at the cookie that is one of your favorites you say. "Why does it have fourteen written on it?" I'm supposed to be fifteen." You ask as you start chewing the chocolate brownie realizing as you taste the bits of cherry that you'll be able to hear and feel them when on American soil before even kissing them.

"Because the time of the incident you are fourteen." Shyla answers.

Sighing you say. "Oh yeah." Your actual birthday was on the Tuesday following the birthday party that your Grandparents had all chipped in for, your Quincenera. "Well I'm stronger now, thank God for what Jimin taught me. And well Trish is going to hide Mochi."

Feeling the clouds get thick as Shyla stepped to you making you ask. "Where did you get that track suit? Can I have one?" You ask feeling the Anesthesia-like effects work on you.

When you wake up this time you blink in panic looking around but remembering everything that you were supposed to, the air is thick with the many different colors of cloud like fog that is all around you and you can sense their presence calming you as the air disperses slowly and you see your family and friends. 

They are all as you remember them from different times of knowing them, some of them look younger like music videos you recognized. There is only two missing, for now. But they would be at the reunion games and you couldn't wait for that.

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