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It seems you had only been asleep a short time when Jungkook was shaking you. "Babe, if I wake up, we are going to do almost. We said we weren't ready last night." You whisper happily as you had finally gotten him to grab your breasts repeatedly through your shirt by putting his hand there.

"At least Jungkook is strong willed." You hear your Dad say just as Jungkook shoves you and jumps back.

"Kate! Jungkook and Trish are going with us, I'll get Junior. You could all use a reminder." He says storming up the stairs quickly bellowing for your brother and standing you look at your Mom sitting on the couch.

"The baby is coming. Your father gets nervous." She says as she pants through a contraction and grips Jungkook's hand as he had just grabbed hers. "Your family honey, you can help me while Hector drives." Jungkook nods breathing deeply with her and you feel your heart tumble further.

Glad you had shorts on with your shirt you jump into action and grab your mother's hospital bag from the closet upstairs squeezing past Junior who is hurrying downstairs and slipping into his tennis shoes. "Come on Jungkook, let's get my Mom in the car."

"You have been very nice to me, I will help." Jungkook says while standing and gently helping her to her feet, with no one able to tell he braces himself and tunes into Kate's pain a little.

But blinking as her bare stomach ripples with a contraction, he is able to watch it as she grabs his hand harder and when it passes she smiles. "Wow, that was a strong one." But Jungkook is hurriedly looking up at the stairs where Hector has just stopped coming down the stairs, all your grandparents throwing on clothes.

He laughs when Angus picks up Hector moving him to the side from the door. "I had two girls, you wanted it to be a girl, it is." And he's smiling and laughing. "Katie my love, I believe that the young man wants his hands some day."

Jungkook grimaces as he shakes his hand letting the blood flow back in. He had tried to block out the memories but you never complained. "No it's fine sir, her pain is much worse." But either women had a ridiculously high top shelf for what pain was or it hadn't really begun because wow.

Kate laughs as she is walking out the downstairs and being hustled out to their car. Your brother climbs behind the wheel and you sit back with your parents and let Jungkook sit in the front. Waving to your grandparents piled in your Dad's Honda you close the van door.

At the hospital your Mom is hustled through the emergency room and then up to the maternity ward and you are shocked turning the corner into the waiting room seeing Trish and Shyla and their family. "My Mom and Dad are in room three." She says waving at Kate who is being wheeled into her room as Hector groans walking slowly holding his back after her and your Grandmother.

Your Dad comes out after an hour but it's to rest for a minute. Your Grandfather immediately starts rubbing his shoulders. "Your screams were loud lad."

Jungkook laughs but looks away and goes back to his conversation with Junior who is sitting as far away from Trish as he can. The girls are all excited and happy but it seemed the men were the ones uncomfortable.

But Jungkook seemed to be taking things in stride and he waved when your Dad walked off again groaning. You and he finally head off in search of snacks and drinks for everyone and since Jungkook still had some of his cards he whispers in front of the machines.

"Whatever your heart desires. The sky's the limit with me babe."

You can't help but pull him close and kiss him close mouthed but smacking his lips loudly you grin. "I'm sure it will be. I have faith in us."

As you make selections knowing what the others will like he laughs as his arms and hoody are filled. With the sodas and then your Grandmother's tea you bump into Siobhan and Jae in the elevator but his smile as he looks at you both makes you grin.

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