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With the variety of people here the music was rich and fun you, Trish and Shyla with the the help of Scarlett got Eugene begrudgingly but also happy to dance to the famous Tejano

Watching as Junior and Jason spun Trish and Shyla out Hobi smiled at you doing the same making your dress twirl out as he smiled spinning you back and not able to resist you say. "I can see you've been practicing even more genre's of dance. Sir Hobi."

But you squeak loudly before sighing when he's spun you to his arms before kissing you deeply.

By the time the bride and groom had been pelted with rice Shyla waved the car off with everyone else and said goodbye to the assembled crowd with the bouquet she had caught and said as you all walked across the street and to your houses.

"I'm beat but with no babies till morning, I think I might have just enough energy left too break in one of the rooms we haven't." She said winking at her two mates slowly.

Going through your front door that Junior had just opened you laughed. "Well that bouquet seems to be lucky then huh Jase?"

He winks at you kissing your cheek noisily before hurrying to your patio door his arm wrapped around Shyla and Chayton who were all laughing.

Watching them as the motion detector lights came on in your backyard and then theirs you smiled turning around looking at your men before Trish and Junior.

"Well I'm not even going to pretend that I don't know that you two are going to have your little reunion. Just try to let our guests get some sleep." You say teasing them and Junior walks over to the coffee pot.

"I'm going to make this and set it. What time are you getting up sis?"

You think and say finally. "Six?"

But he laughs and says. "Five it is then." Knowing you all to well.

You loved that everyone slipped into Korean easily when your men were around and you always appreciated it as Jin walked over smelling the strong grounds coming from the container and Yoongi laughed.

"No wonder your so hyper babe, what's in it drugs?"

Trish giggles from the fridge where she's grabbing pounds of butter and Jungkook is just watching her counting and she winks at him. "We're going to need it, we have a lot of baking to do before we head over to the parents, that's what all this butter is for."

On the second yawn and knowing you had invited him he finally says. "Well since some of us will be getting up earlier then they say they will it seems it's time for some of us to get some sleep." Namjoon says his voice filled with the authority he usually reserved for the members.

You nod and straighten up but he continues. "We are all accustomed to finding our way around hotel rooms and places. We can see the fridge there's water in it lots of other things, and we saw the pantry with snacks, are there any off limits?" He asks and you shake your head. "All right, and since we saw the beds were made up already and we all have our toothbrushes and know how to work faucets and sinks I think you should go take a shower so you can get some rest Angelique."

At Trish's sigh then whispered Daddy and Juniors open mouth about to say something to you, or Namjoon or now Trish she just grabs him pulling him quickly behind her before slamming the door to their room.

Namjoon is looking at you his eyebrows raised wondering what you'll do but you shrug and nod. "Your right I am tired and need the rest."

He nods and you take off in the direction of your room. Stripping in the bathroom you finally climb under the hot running water not wanting to deal with a bath tonight.

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