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Upstairs you sipped your Ecto Cooler in a pouch and understood what your Mom had always said when the drinks she had growing up tasted better then the ones that you grew up on. It tasted much better here. Pointing at the jean mini skirt she was holding up you say. "Yeah that one, try that on with the red sweater. Even if it gets warmer it's short sleeves."

When you have settled on outfits for both of you tomorrow letting her borrow some of yours you get a three-way phone call going with your friends and say. "Hey my Mother and Uncle are going to be gone this weekend. We should have a party, but somewhat small." You had agreed to call Siobhan your Mother as Kate was Mom.

Your Mom looks around. "Maybe we can get some weed?"

Blinking it takes everything to not laugh. Dude my Mom wants to know where to get some weed?

Trish on the phone says. "I bet that guy who wants to take me out could get us some forties. I'll just say I'll go out with him Saturday but go to your place Friday night and sleep over."

"Cool, we can get this party really crunk then." Hearing Nari laugh at your slang she says.

"If there's any cute guys at your new school invite them. I need to find me a little boo thang."

Suddenly dawning on you that your friends had something they had won and were excited for them you say. "Invite Shy, in fact it's supposed to be hot so I need to stock up on some swimsuits. Let's go shopping and lunch is my treat Friday, we'll meet at the mall."

I'm going to have three Julius drinks and I want one of each pretzel. Shyla has said and you know she's putting that in her cravings box as you remember the times you ate hot buttered pretzels at a fair all pregnant in the summer as the men followed behind.

Hanging up the phone with your friends you see your Mom looking at your wall of nail polish and she points to them. "I've never painted my toes before. It always seemed silly before only me looking at them."

Not that you wanted to know but you did in fact know your Dad made a big day of when she would go for her pedicures. But that usually involved days where you and Junior were away doing something.

Taking your socks off you realize that before when you reset you had been to busy for certain things and your polish was chipped and needed to be done. "I need to do my toes, I'm addicted to the colors and designs." Standing you look and picking out a red slightly darker then the sweater she was going to wear with bright red glitter in it, but it would absolutely fit with the shirt in your Aunt/Mom's drawer and you knew that's why she wanted to show you before you left.

" Standing you look and picking out a red slightly darker then the sweater she was going to wear with bright red glitter in it, but it would absolutely fit with the shirt in your Aunt/Mom's drawer and you knew that's why she wanted to show you bef...

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