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As you woke up you were immediately handed robes as the others had started coming in before you. And in the back next to Jungkook you both kept smiling and blushing he's shyer as more of his older memories gone and you knew if you asked him about your Mom he would be a little confused as you were back to your fourteen years old versions both of you not looking at each other as you hurriedly put clothes your Mom had laid out on under your robe and as it was only 9:30 you had plenty of time before Chayton and Shyla would have things ready.

Before eleven you have spent time with all of them. One on one they all treat you gently. Only hugs and soft kisses to the head and you stomp your foot. "We are married! I think I can handle some kisses."

Taehyung laughs as he sits against the bed that had appeared later as music changed through the years for you in the waiting room lots of the items you had absolutely had to be included and your Aunt had gifted it to you at thirteen as she had bought some bunk beds for you at her place in Los Angeles.

Can't Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue had you loving how every so often couples would come together to dance but there seemed to be a no kissing or heavy petting rule on going so fast dancing was deemed safe and normal as your friends slowly changed back to younger versions of themselves.

Your foot in Tae's face as he plays with the silver chain on your ankle, having taken your socks off while you lay on your stomach. "No Cheonsa we can't handle kisses even if you say you can. We kissed you before and a gangbang is not for sixteen year olds. Jae delighted in shocking us all back on that reset. Who knew Yoongi Hyung was so obsessed with choking or that you liked it so much?" He says as he hovers over the back of the couch.

"Probably all the anger I have over everything you've all pulled." He says cat napping from the couch his head on your ass while his long socked feet rest in Jin's lap. When you had laid down and Yoongi had swept onto the couch swiftly and got comfortable even before you saying when you had asked what he was doing. "Keeping it warm for later."

"I told you I would gift wrap it."

Yoongi has suddenly reached out and grabbed Taehyung's shirt in his hand about to choke him, V had been soft resetting you seven times just to see you wearing your bikini and different heels your toes a different color as you always had clean toes and a bottle of different polish. But knowing Yoongi liked your feet he only allowed himself glances sneakily from comfortably keeping your ass warm in the bikini with his head which made Taehyung jealous not knowing which place he wanted more.

"None of you will remember the big stuff when you leave." You say forgetting that they were more aware of things this time and you were the one who would be forgetting things after midnight too. "Don't forget I love all musicals and have seen some of them over twenty times." You say hurriedly. "The Pirate movie! My Mom used to get me up to watch it late at night with her and we'd sing along. Even Junior knows the words."

"Oh we wanted to watch both of them." Tae and Jungkook say quickly followed by Jimin.

"That's two for me." Namjoon says writing in his journal.

"Can't someone say the shapes game?" Jungkook asks suddenly his voice breaking with age a little.

"Oh I hope she says Trayhuengle again rolling her Rs always gets me excited." Tae says his voice deep and sexy as he pushes his orangy hair back, liner a little heavy and sexy as he starts chewing his "gum" again.

"Don't do it Tae." Namjoon orders.

"My Prince?" You say Yoongi nestling in more but turning his head slightly biting a globe gently and smirking as he sees the way your skin shivers and he traces your goosebumps gently, taking a breath you go on. "First time we can in the future I'm going to buy so many shoes and nail polish we can have a lot of fun. There's going to come a time where we're around each other so much we can play dress up like that movie you like."

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