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Ever since getting your new phone the day after you hadn't had time to mind the short, okay very short but male responses of Koo, to how Jimin was doing when you asked how he was. Apparently your friends when they asked got long responses of how he was taking it so easy that he was restless and bored, to bored to talk to you.

You hoped the Ice Skater from the Winter Olympics he had been fucking so vigorously the night after they had performed was able to help with his being in bed so much.

Stupid boys and their adamant rules of no matter what never bother them if you knew they were with someone. How many times of having an instant way to contact them, stupid Jimin, stupid BTS. You thought quietly as Namjoon was taking his aggression out on someone or something and he was making it very clear he was.

Making you hum your favorite song of Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato which seemed to come up a lot in your list of songs you were really into especially as you thought of their behavior. Helping you to hold onto being a bad bitch instead of breaking down and apologizing or explaining.

It was Shyla two days later who was sitting on the couch breastfeeding the twins while talking to Jimin who was singing in Korean softly the babies falling asleep Shyla waving to you with one hand as you walked through the door.

"Who's there?" He asked whispering in Korean.

"Kiki." She answers and he says nothing so you come over putting your face close to your friends.

"Hey Jimin, how are you feeling?"

He's looking up to the corner of his phone saying. "I'm fine, thank you for asking. Well now that the twins are sleeping I'll let you enjoy the rest of the evening. Good night Shyla, Kiki." He says before disconnecting.

Just like that you felt a disconnect just like he had done. You do the same, firmly closing the door to the men who had disconnected to you the day Namjoon told them that you had known.

Three days later you were sent an invitation by Scarlett to your female/male group chat about a bridal/bachelor party at 9pm on the fourteenth.

OMFG I am so down!
And to think I can say
I knew you guys back then.

Throughout the day now that you had been made maid of honor you had made lists of places and ideas things and planning and meet ups had been happening. Alyssa and André had both said they would be there if they could just get a ride so you volunteered yourself to pick up whoever needed to be by 2 pm on the day of.

Which was what you were doing now as you pulled in at 1:55 running behind and needing to pee like a race horse you hurried to unlock your front door not even closing the door as you tore into the house and to the bathroom.

Sighing with relief as it felt so good to pee after your purple lotus blossom energy drink also after the huge water, and the coffee when you had started out. You could afford the time as everyone else was on decorating duty at the house, you had planned food, drinks and dancing as well as some fun couple games. Well for the people that had someone you thought as you washed your hands before pulling the black dress that was for fitting over your hips and then pulling the sleeves of your leather jacket back down you walked out.

Closing the door behind you before locking it you go back to your car as your heels click on the cement. Climbing in you sit and adjust your dash mirror to see approaching cars so when you see people getting out of the car that's just parked behind you that takes off you figure Alyssa and Andre had taken Uber.

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