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Finally at the hotel you were hoarse from screaming and tired you laid on Nari's bed after your shower drifting in and out of dozing in the robe.

Hearing voices you don't wake until you feel arms under you lifting you. And even with your eyes closed you snuggled into him kissing him through the clothes he had changed into. "You looked so sexy on stage tonight Daddy."

Stumbling with you your head hits the doorframe Jae snorts trying not to laugh as you try not to cry out in pain not wanting to hurt his feelings. "Did it get you baby?"

"Did what get me?" You ask rubbing your head when he put you down making you bounce as he kind of dropped you.

"Oh I thought, well anyways. Nari said you were hogging the bed and I decided I wanted you to hog mine." But then he's removing his shirt by pulling on the neck and taking it off in that was hot for some godly reason men had.

"But then you called me Daddy." He skims his shorts down his hips showing he's naked under and putting one knee and then another on the bed he leans in nipping your exposed knee.

"I've been thinking of something I wanted to do with you, but you'll have to get closer to try it." You say smiling forgetting your head already.

In the morning you looked down at a snoring Namjoon as his alarm went off and you shook him. But waking only when you bit him sharply made him pull you under him as one hand turned the alarm off. "That means I have thirty minutes."

He slid into you for the forth time since you had been brought to his bed by him and when you had put his hand in yours and then to your throat his eyes had flashed and while pounding into you he had applied pressure but you knew he had held back afraid he was going to hurt you.

But now gripping you as he ground against you made you arch your body into his hands. The thrill of his big hand slightly choking you as he brought you both to a mutual orgasm quickly made both of you cum hard no matter what games you played to get him to be angry enough. Telling him the different ways you liked to eat crab had been funny at first. But you knew you'd piss him off any way you could to come like that again.

When you showered quickly you weren't surprised to see the others in the hall. You hadn't been able to see them but they didn't know your plans and not wanting to leave even for an hour with any ill feelings you say. "Nari got me a ticket to Korea, I'm going to stay there until you have to leave again."

The change in their expressions was worth it and Taehyung goes. "Namjoon Hyung has to wait for more time."

Chuckling he looks at you from his door frame. "Please tell me you want to stay with us? At our place?"

Nodding happy inside you as you had seen where they were living in brief videos posted online and tried not to scream with glee. Your Army heart was beating fast as you realized you were going to where they lived to sleep and well that too of course.

Everyone suddenly happier you hurried to kiss them all briefly and hug Jimin extra hard as you whispered. "I'd like to see your room first."

He grins and nods his head eagerly and you head to Nari's room at the end of the hall with other staff who are hurrying around. Calling your Mom you knew it would be the afternoon and telling her your plans she sounds happy for you. "I'm so glad your living the life that you should be living that fits you. Text your Dad just to let him know from you honey."

"Okay Mom, I love you, give Mochi a kiss. Can I say hi to Grace?"

After talking to your baby sister for a little while and promising her something from her boyfriends as she looked at BTS, she stanned all Kpop music and had a blue bedazzled phone that played Kpop on her approved kid youtube channel and she often would cry to FaceTime with them when you did sometimes cutting into your own time.

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