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You look over at Rose who is staring into the fire but she speaks. "I did say after you gave him the cupcake, but considering the delivery you do we can wait, you shouldn't get my present dirty."

Still wrapped around Namjoon as he sits on the couch next to Jin you say. "I'll always treasure it, thank you very much again."

"Some of the clothes stores are intimidating to go into. But I like to cosplay. I feel accepted at those conventions I can be sexy sometimes dressing up, it's okay to be myself, and I've been sewing Scarle
tt's and my clothes for years. There are lots of tutorials online. It's relaxing and she would help. But jackets are still a little troubling, especially Rose satin colored ones."

Jimin looks at you from the couch and you know your both a little baffled at how she knows what you had talked about as Yoongi said. "Pink jackets."

Namjoon has been translating as you listen and Rose glances over her shoulder one eye on all of you, the way her red hair catches in the firelight but it's her curvy outline that has her looking like a 1940's pinup model you had wondered why she had insisted on the pajamas she had picked out. But she had declared green her color today making Trish stare and shut down as she had taken pictures of Rose from every angle the lighting perfect as you had all primped and brought out her beauty.

Trish had done her hair, Nari had been helping do yours in the same way as Rose's but you look at Tae who had gasped and his eyes were watching her from head to toe which she wiggled and you saw him jump startled, but Rose had really pretty toes too especially in the open toed feathered heels that went with the long emerald green robe. Underneath hid a very pinup style sailor type of satin shirt one piece outfit. She had said Who wears this, not asked? Rose had been emphatic and was even now as she looked at you.

"I told you Who's wearing this, do you trust me to explain why I said it and not asked?" Remember I told you to fight with Tae over my toes? Now's the right time, bring up what you guys did in the bed, I don't think I can sleep in that bed. Will it make me want to let my men do that to me?

"Ahh my prince is thinking of Rose's toes and what he did with mine earlier?" You ask in Korean grasping for something to say and the room is quiet except from Nari and Trish who nudge each other knowingly.

Trish speaks first giggling. "Your brother loves when I come back from a pedicure." But she looks over at Jungkook grinning at him and when he smiles you can't help but to crack up watching his change as she finishes speaking. "Mingyu is one very interested in getting pics, especially if I have a toe ring."

Rose is looking around as the men are suddenly talking in Japanese but yours was limited so you were listening as Rose said.
"Shyla, Jason, and I have a year with our helpers to get things ready before you get there. I am very much looking forward to parties when you guys come, it will be the right time. When we met the first time our girl group name was my idea it was the right time to meet then and now."

You can feel Jungkook straighten up and he asks. "Noona why is time so important for us?"

"I met you all once so long ago, my brain works like his sometimes, everything seems so wonderful and amazing this time, doesn't it?" She asks smiling at him."Jungkook and I got to be very good friends and he took me to my first lady doctor visit because I was pregnant and scared."

Everyone's head swivels to look at Jungkook who has pressed himself back amongst the cushions and he's waving his heads. "It's not like that! Right?" He asks in horror but her laughing has everyone looking at her again.

"No, it's not Jungkook's baby, but it's not Darius either, Jungkook knows who my other mate is in Korea but I won't meet him until we are all reunited there."

Alpha Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें