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The pictures continued to be successful as the days went on. Nari visiting had been just what you girls all needed and you definitely felt your bond had deepened. The time had been used to tighten her bond with Chayton and Jason as well, Junior had gotten off work the last night before Nari left bringing with him a Japanese feast of Sushi and tempura.

Nari had planned way earlier to sleep in your room since you were taking her to the airport very early for her flight to L.A. first but the air was very thick between your brother and Trish who was leaving very early.

Once in bed the TV turned up from the other room it didn't take a rocket scientist to know that Trish and Junior were going at it pretty hard. Laying next to Nari yawning as you got comfortable you asked. "Is that weird now?"

Nari laughed shaking her head in the dark. "No we both discussed it, and while we liked the other side of things we decided it would be a more strike our fancy kind of evening thing. We had fun and most likely will again, but we also prefer men, it happens."

You laughed as well knowing that when the men from Seventeen came next month after their four days with Nari they would be very relaxed around Trish and not pent up and nervous as much.

Nari had worked through some channels and reached out to Pledis entertainment about some people who were in California and were translators and could work on set because they spoke English, Korean and Spanish. That had seemed to be the right keywords as you and Trish had been contacted the next day with your translator company you had been slowly been trying to get off the ground.

So far you all worked on the side helping cooks on the strip that needed some language lessons. But this would be a big push for your resume. You all worked and had little side endeavours but you were all working towards teaching English and translating the languages you knew. It had been discussed that having a job like that for when you did move would be best.

Jason skated more heavily then you did now, but your investments your Dad had done with you is where you were able to relax more and helped your family and friends to live a little more carefully.

If you came home with the occasional pricier model of a ball pit for Grace that you had used some of your birthday money from the guys for well she was only going to be this little once. And with more babies on the way your Dad had agreed to you using part of your room for it.

But when he had came in to help put the last box of your clutter as you called it to be put in the garage he looked around and you could see the tears in his eyes as he said. "It's like you're leaving me more all the time, Junior too. You'll always be my Mija first."

Feeling misti eyed too you put the bag you were holding down. "Papa, I know that. But I'm glad that Grace and the new baby will be here to keep you happy and busy as Junior and I make our way in our lives."

Hearing him sniff against your shoulder wetly he says. "We will see each other as much as we can. I have never been to Korea."

You just nod saying nothing to his statement whispering. "Yes Pa, at least once a year at the least."

Your Dad had finished the ball pit and said as he looked down at it. "Tell your men that I said thank you again. We'll never get them out of it now." He said as Grace threw a ball into the huge pit watching Ricky dive in after it while she clapped.

Your Dad looked at you sharply. "I never ever want to hear you telling them about Almost and the shenanigans. Or I will give your Diary to Jungkook. Summer of 2012. I imagine he is still not fluent in Spanish as you live apart, si?"

Looking at your shocked face he says. "I didn't read it Mija so don't you get mad." He says seeing that your face is flushing. "But now I know I'm right and I'm glad I didn't peek, he said I should maybe not look."

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