Crowley stammered. "Right. Okay, thi-thisss iss how you want to d-do this? Fine!" He cleared his throat and straightened his stance. "Either he leavess, or I do!"

Aziraphale bit his bottom lip, trying desperately not to laugh.

"And I mean it!" Crowley huffed.

Aziraphale smiled lovingly and kissed the demon's cheek. "Of course you do, dearest." He gently patted Crowley's chest and sauntered out of the room.

"Tsk, I'm not...ngk, I'm being ssserioussss." He followed the angel.

"I know. Your hissing means business."

"Aziraphale." He growled.

"Crowleeeey." Aziraphale playfully mimicked.

The angel, demon in tow, chuckled his way to the living area where he found Gabriel, Beelzebub, and their daughter going over his wedding journal where he had planned and organized all things wedding. "Aziraphale," Gabriel started once he felt the angel's presence, "Cassiopeia tells me you will not be getting married in a church. Exactly why is that?"

Aziraphale took a moment before answering as he felt the answer was obvious. "I'm marrying Crowley."

"Yes, I know you're marrying Crowley but why not in a church?"

"So, erm, me being a demon just flew by you, did it?" Crowley leaned against the wall, his annoyance on display.

"Yes," It was Gabriel's turn to sound annoyed, "I know you're a demon but just have Cassiopeia bless you for the day."

The ineffable family exchanged glances wondering if what Gabriel had uttered was exactly what they had heard. "Excuse the rudeness but you can't bless a demon." Aziraphale chastised. "No offence, dearest."

Gabriel took in the baffled looks he was getting from the small family. "Um, I can't, you can't but Cassiopeia can. It was in the files."

"What files?"

"Duh, the heavenly files Gabriel gave you, you know, from heaven." Beelzebub defended their partner.

Aziraphale took a step forward. "There was no such thing in those files."

"Yes, there was. It was in the section which discussed all about nephalem's powers." The small family glanced at one another, looking for any answer and so, to prove a point, that there was indeed such a section, Gabriel gestured to his partner to demonstrate.

Without a word, Beelzebub walked over to Cassi and palmed her forehead. After uttering words under their breath, the nephalem's demeanor changed. The room fell silent as a tense atmosphere loomed in the quaint space. Cassi had closed her eyes, and, after a silent moment, she opened them, only to reveal nothing but two hollow black orbs. She emitted a small growl as she sniffed the air like a curious animal.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere, Aziraphale moved towards his daughter, and placed a concerned hand on her shoulder. "Darling?"

Cassi practically whiplashed in turning to face her father. Her head lifted slightly, as she sniffed the air once more, growling, and in a split second, she launched towards her angel father.

"Hmph." Aziraphale was tossed back a step and if it wasn't for Crowley's quick reflexes, the angel would have fallen to the floor.

"What the fuck!" Crowley leaped and shielded Aziraphale from their own daughter. One hand looped around the angel tightly, while the other was extended in front of him.

Cassi growling subsided as she sniffed the demon's palm and began to rub her head on it, seemingly pacifying her.

Gabriel clapped his hands together. "I can't believe it worked!" He exclaimed in wonderment. "Are you sure we can't have one?"

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