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Book selling was a nasty business. Having to exchange someone's thoughts brought out through the use of a pen then having to sell those thoughts for a piece of paper? The book could go off to a good home however, it could go off with someone who chooses to fold the page in use of a bookmark. The gall! Maybe Crowley was right all along, selling books was, indeed, demonic work.

"How is your tea, my dear?" Aziraphale had managed to persuade Cassi into a cup of tea while Crowley managed to keep Muriel busy by telling them how important it was for vinyl's to be organized by the first letter of the lyrics. Cassi nodded politely as she let the sweet aroma of her tea engulf her senses while the warm liquid seemed to be making her limbs noodle like, almost as if calming her every nerve. Of course, one would be worry free when drinking tea blessed by an actual angel. "Good." Aziraphale smiled at Cassi. "Now, tell us a little bit about yourself?"

The girl across from them cocked her head to the side. "Erm, Aziraphale doesn't sell books to just anyone." Crowley informed, "He likes to know they are going to a good home. Bit weird if you ask me." Aziraphale rolled his eyes at such nonsense. "So, tell us, um, Cassi, us a little bit about yourself?" Both angel and demon leaned forward, all too eager to know anything about their little miracle. "For example, where are you from, your hobbies, favorite food, favorite animal, maybe a particular color you like better than the do you feel about plants...your thoughts on the 14th century...any urge to, I don't know, do good deeds or bad ones?"

Cassi narrowed her eyes. "Now, now," Aziraphale nudged Crowley, "dearest, don't overwhelm our guest."

After a silent moment, she cleared her throat and placed her teacup down next to her on the desk, "Well, I don't particularly have a favorite food or color...uh...I like cats, have a gray Persian named Hex although, I am fond of ducks for some strange thoughts about the 14th century. Plants are, okay? As for deeds, I'm not entirely certain on how to respond to that. Haven't given it much thought." Crowley nodded encouragingly as if to coax something else out of her. "Oh, my full name is Cassiopeia, if that is interesting information."

"It certainly is. Named after a constellation I presume. Such a beautiful name, if I do say so." Crowley grinned. "Aziraphale here has a book on stars, I believe, if you would like to partake in some star knowledge. Huge universe," he pointed towards the ceiling, "stars, nebulas, galaxies, all that what have you. Fun to learn about. Parents must be into all that," he waved his hand enthusiastically, "good stuff."

Aziraphale nudged Crowley's side gently as he noticed Cassi shake her head slightly, eyes moving as if pondering a thought. "I - I am not quite sure. I never met my parents or rather...did I?" Those last words were a whisper meant only to herself even if she was unaware the pair in front of her managed to hear it clearly. "An elderly couple adopted me, sort of. Unfortunately, they did pass a long, long time ago." Her eyes screamed dejection, the spark in them gone momentarily. "Been wandering life by myself really."

Aziraphale leaned forward and not giving it a second thought, placed his hand on hers. "I'm sorry to hear that. I am most certain that wherever they are, they are being rewarded for such a good deed." Aziraphale could only hold her hand in earnest as he bit his tongue as he wanted nothing more to reveal himself, themselves, to her. This was technically their child and to hear she had, or is, lonely was something the angel wished to remedy. He knew the feeling all too well however, luckily for him, Crowley had been by his side ever since that feeling crept within him. "Would you care to dine with us?" The words came out of him unexpectedly.

"Um..." Cassi set her eyes on the grandfather clock behind them, "Shit. I'm actually going to be late for a thing." She stood and the pair followed. "I yearned for the books and if you still want to interview me," she chuckled as she took out her phone, "I'll be at this new club, Lux, meet me around 8? I'm sending you the deets."

It Started Out With A Kiss (How Did It End Up Like This)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz