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"...and when we close our eyes..." the angel gasped, "tadaaa...the blue scarf is now red!"

Crowley fixed his party hat and blew the party blower held between his lips, the sound filling the awkward silence.

Aziraphale's eyes searched Cassi's for approval and it took a nudge from Crowley for her to process what she had seen. "Ye-yes...erm...wow...that was...that was a thing." The angel smiled back at the two redheads sitting on the sofa afterwards, asking them for a second while he set up for his other trick. "He knows he can do proper magic, yes?" Cassi whispered to Crowley.

Crowley shrugged. "Um, angel, I - I think Cassi is ready to move on to another party activity." Cassi nodded enthusiastically, her own party hat almost falling. "Cake is still baking so um..." Yellow eyes met with gray ones.

"Time for truth or dare." Cassi continued as she stood facing the sofa. Aziraphale nodded and sat himself down next to Crowley. "Google said it's a popular game at parties. Are you at all familiar with the game?"

"Not quite, my darling, but remember Crowley and I said you are not to partake in online chatter with others in the meantime. I'm sure we could have come up with activities on our own. No need to ask this Google person."

Cassi waved her hand dismissively, deciding not to explain how search engines worked. "Anyway, so one of us, when it's our turn, decides to either answer a question truthfully or perform a dare."

Crowley's ear perched up and he practically showed all his teeth as he grinned. "Oh, I like this. Sounds like something my lot would come up with." He clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "Right! As the birthday girl, you go first."

"Okay, um," she thought, "Aziraphale, truth or dare?"

"Oh, me? Alrighty...um I don't find a question all that hard. Truth, suppose."

"Which do you love more, heaven or earth?"

Aziraphale cleared his throat and wiggled uncomfortably in his seat. "My, my, my, wha-wha a...a...um...packed question. Well...um..." he cleared his throat again, "both have their...their go-good points and definitely have flaws." He chuckled breathlessly. He leaned in and whispered, "I would have to sa-say earth."

Cassi leaned down to meet him. "Why are we whispering?"

Crowley leaned in as well. "Because he thinks heaven might be listening and he is afraid to upset them." He rolled his eyes. "They are crazy up there and all angels are brainwashed."


Crowley shrugged and leaned back. "It's true."

"Alright then," Aziraphale patted Crowley's thigh, "truth or dare, seeing how you think you know everything."

"Please, I'm a demon, this game was meant for people like me. Dare, obviously."

"I dare you to let me drive the Bentley." Cassi grinned without skipping a beat.

Crowley's wicked smile was that of a proud parent. "Why, you cunning little thing."

After a life-threatening car ride, more along the lines of an almost discorporating moment, Aziraphale thought it best to leave all future driving to Crowley. Yes, technically, Crowley was not at all the perfect driver but at least he kept his hands on the wheel...most of the time. Afterwards, the small family went inside their lovely cottage where the celebration continued. Next on the birthday agenda was cake decorating, also known as the ineffable parents flirting, whispering things to each other, and making eyes at one another whilst decorating their daughter's cake.

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