The Room

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Skateboard sat down on the couch looking scared. TDs app asked for him to secretly join our team and he was skeptical at first but later agreed. "Guys, I need to confess something. It's about GB." TB sighed and told him politely "We know you like her and you didn't like her then. We don't know why you agreed with us." He had a point. If he liked me, wouldn't he be on Ring's side?

"Ring is threatening me and if I get to pick sides, it's not gonna be hers. And besides, I don't wanna have GB, I want what's best for her, what she wants. I'm not good for her nor what she wants. TB, you are perfect for her, a puzzle piece that fits with her, you are a lucky guy." I looked over at GB to see her looking back. We both looked away quickly, blushing. "Ok guys. We still need a plan. GB, TB, you can create a conspiracy theory to help us attack and defend. Can you do that?" We nodded and went to a room to discuss a theory. "Ring might use Skateboard as her shield. That's why she needs him." TB smartly figured out. We were thinking for a little and we wrote stuff down till we got her motive and a plan! We high-five and after that there was an awkward silence. We were still looking at each other, just enough to read each other's mind.

We quickly snap out of it and we were even more awkward than before. Our faces, blood red blush. We immediately left the room with Skateboard and TD looking at us weirdly. "Dude, what's up with your faces? Did you, y'know?" Our relationship before was platonic, the only thing that we allowed was a kiss and a hug, nothing else. "Oh no no no uhm nothing happened." I stuttered. He looked at us with one eyebrow raised. "Ok, if you say so." We told them the plan and we assigned ourselves roles. I couldn't be manager (I tried) so instead I got a different role. I looked over at TB as he was explaining the plan and I knew...

...that I loved him. I needed to love him.

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