The assembly

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Hmm I don't see Football GF anywhere, oh well. Football is the cruelest thing ever. He once destroyed my science project because it wasn't cool enough. It was a robot! But I doubt his GF is any better. Or, maybe she doesn't know about what Football is doing! I must stop her before she gets into trouble! Oh wait, she just arrived looking like she was running?


Omg! I was running away from Football! He wanted me to sneak out of school and miss my first day! What a bitch! But anyway, I saw TB walking up to me. "Uhm, you do know what you're dating, right? He is a- no offense- a little bitch!" TB mumbled. "Yeah, I know, he wants me to skip school! I swear he is acting different than when I first met him. But he's making me skip science?!? Oh no, I might as well break up with him!" I vented quite loud. TB looked like he was thinking and asked "Wait is science your favorite subject because it's mine as well! Also I never got your name?" I chuckled and replied "It's Golf Ball, but my friends call me GB, but my boyfriend calls me Golfy, I don't really like it.."

"Oh well hi GB! I hope to see you often!" TB walked off onto the stage and started a presentation.

"Hope to see you soon.."

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