The Revenge

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When we arrived, there was such a quiet vibe that it freaked all of us out. I sighed and tried to climb over the fence and surprisingly succeeded in doing so! GB properly taught me how to climb over a fence without being so clumsy! I jumped up and down happily for the accomplishment I had done! I then slipped in a puddle. The puddle reminded me of the first time GB and I danced in the rain. I looked at Coiny with a smile as he knew what it reminded me of. We all made it over and found an open window. We tried climbing through when it was my turn. I ended up stuck in the window when we heard footsteps! Coiny covered me in a blanket and the rest hid. I was able to hear familiar footsteps. It was the same woman who took GB!

"Dr Fett, this is incredibly disappointing that you would want to kill the subject. Golf Ball has all types of information about Basketball and could be important." A high pitched voice called out. "Oh please, I know she doesn't know squat about Basketball. It was her male companion. While Basketball was here, she told me all about him. I think she would have been in love with him years ago!" Dr Fett called out. "The girl shall be executed for lying about this. She is extremely dangerous as well. Room 236 isn't she?" They then left as I was shocked and popped into the room. Everyone looked at me seemingly upset. They waited to see my reaction.

"Room 236 eh? Let's find her quickly!" I took everyone out the room as we all split up to find her. I was by myself and running to find room 236. I was not giving up this easy. I had stopped and saw Basketball in room 230. She looked back at me. I sighed and tried unlocking her door. "Just run as fast as you can." I let her out and she abided with my rules. I walked down the hall to see room 236. I knocked on the door as I saw GB with a gown and pale skin. I gasped as she ran up and tried saying something! I unlocked the door as I ran to her and hugged her. I loved her truly.

I told her to go running through the halls when we saw Dr Fett and her assistant. We started running as fast as we could. I picked up GB because she was weak and slow. We hid in a janitorial room. She looked so scared and frightened. Luckily I had some equipment for safety and some information about the asylum itself. I gave GB a hug as she hugged me back. "GB! I thought I would lose you forever!" She started crying "Omg TB, I've missed you! I was so scared and they started doing tests on me and taking so many blood samples for no reason!" I explained how they tried to kill her when the door burst open by Dr Fett! Oh no. We hugged each other closing our eyes and crying when we heard a familiar voice yelling towards us. Could it be.. Basketball? She came with a needle in her hands. Dr Fett looked serious when all of a sudden...

"Bang! Stab!" It was too late... Dr Fett shot at Basketball the same time she stabbed the needle into her. They both died infront of us...we ran out of the building taking the whole group with us. We ran out to the bus. "Guys! Where is Basketball? We still need her!" Pen yelled aloud. GB and I looked down at the ground. We told them about everything that happened and they stayed silent for a while. Even 2 seemed like he was thinking. He eventually blurted out "Ok so you know how my name is 2? Well there is a reason it is named after a number. The number 2 symbolizes power and well, I can..." "Yes?" "Bring people back to life..." "What? Bring back Basketball!" "Well here's the thing! I can't, but 4 can! I will lead you 2 him right away!"

We all eagerly waited inside the bus waiting to arrive at 4s door.

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