The Notes

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I was so close to finishing my research when I saw a note slip under my door. I wasn't bothered to stand up when I saw Skateboard walk in the door seemingly upset. "Hey Skateboard, are you ok?" He looked at me, and went to hug me. It felt a bit random. "GB, you need to get back together with TB. I'll help you. Don't ask." What was happening? I still loved TB though so, I figured I should accept his help. "Ok, but what gave you the idea?" I asked. He didn't answer me and instead went straight to his room. That was confusing.

I eventually stood up to get some food and along the way. I eventually was thinking so much about TB. How would Skateboard help bring us back together? I suddenly burned myself with the sandwich griller. I ran to put my hand in cold water and groaned. This break up was really hurting me badly. I then remembered that there was a note on the floor and it could be important.I grabbed the note on the floor and was shocked on what I saw. Was this true? Skateboard came out his room and I hid the note behind my back. He saw that I was hiding something and asked me "Hey, whatcha got behind your back?" "Oh nothing! Just go back to your room!" He looked at me worryingly and followed my orders. I hated having to lie to him but I had to go to TB quickly.


I was in my dorm when I saw a note slide under my door. I wondered what it was so I picked it up and when I read it, I was shocked. Ring came up to me and asked what the note was about. "Oh no. I'm not telling you anything you manipulator!" I immediately ran out the door to see GB. The note said:


Ring is trying to ruin your relationship and Skateboard is being dragged around like a dog. Your relationship is too special for it to be dragged along the mud. I know this because I heard it myself. It happened to me as well. Don't believe a word she says.



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