The contest

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Since 4 asked us to meet at the pool, I brought swimming equipment and a swimsuit. I told the others to do so as well. We got prepared and went to the pool. I was blushing every time I saw TB when he came and sat next to me and he leaned his head on my shoulder. "Thanks, for everything, I mean it!" I looked at Pin as she was with Coiny and they were making jokes about us. I couldn't believe them. But I felt like I had forgotten about life and I was thinking about him. It felt amazing...

Everyone arrived and later to their surprise, they were gonna use the pool for a swimming contest . TB and I were prepared for this to happen but the rest decided to swim in their clothes. They got in the water and the challenge was a chicken fight. TB and I ended up in the finale against.. uh oh... Basketball! I held my breath, once I got on TB's shoulders, I looked in front of me to see a furious Basketball.

"Get mark, on your set, Go!" 4 yelled towards us. Basketball immediately told 8-ball to attack TB and then she grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly. "You, I can't believe you! After all my years with him, I've tried so hard to tell him how I feel and then, you show up... why?" She looked like the devil! "I came here for my boyfriend but I broke up with him! I didn't know that TB would stay friends with me after the assembly!" I had to make a lie but she saw through me and pushed me off TB.


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