Chapter 1

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Alright, welcome back.
To those who have been a constant reader on my stories, and welcome to first timers ☺️☺️

This is another beautiful, Gay mafia story.
His Tesoro

If you've read Spade before, then this is a story of Stefano and Matteo.

It is not a sequel to Spade, can be read as a stand alone, but do note that some scenes from Spade might be repeated here, but from Stefano or Matteo's perspective.

But the book mostly centers around Stefano and Matteo, a few missing parts from Spade will appear here.

Also note that this is purely a manxman love story, so there will be lots and lots of gay smut, so if you're not comfortable with stuff like that, please don't read it.

I will not tolerate any hate comments on my book, I will delete and block you asap.

Another warning, there will be mentions of rape, homophobic languages, and violence.
I put it here now because I usually don't add warnings at the beginning of chapters that contains such.

Okay, I'm rambling now, lol.
Sorry, just nervous.

Alright let's dive into Matteo and Stefano's book

The shiny and beautifully decorated room was filled to the brim with people, all from different walks of life, most of them probably there in hopes to network and form new alliances

But not him, he wasn't there to network or find new clients, he already made a name for himself, both in the normal world by day and the dangerous one by night.

More than a handful of people knew him and more than half of them did business with him, both legal and illegal.
He was just there to pass the night as always, find something new to interest him, even though each time he attended things like this, he never found anything interesting in them.

They were always the same thing, filled with snot nosed, greedy and selfish men.
Everyone was out to get something for themselves.
Most of the smiles that passed through their faces was nothing more than fake and forced, many of them smiling at each other wanted to kill each other, but they'd come to parties like this and pretend to network.

He gulped down the cocktail he held in his hand, dropping the glass on the next available tray, his eyes scanning through the room.
Golden curtains adorned the wall, and the golden glass chandelier on the ceiling illuminated the whole room, making everything shimmer.

They always spent money in organizing shit like this, he never saw the point of organizing things like this when half the people inside were out for each other's head.

Standing in one corner of the hall, he could count just how many people were ready to kill each other outside this party.
He didn't just sell weapons to them, he also sold information and there were a lot of things he heard while doing that

He let out a bored sigh as he just wanted to get out of the party, it was pointless even coming in the first place, he knew how it always went, yet he still came every single time he was invited.
He was about to walk away from where he stood when someone blocked his path

A rather short man with pot belly, bald head, and a rather annoying and disgusting grin on his face
"Mr Van Horne" the man said gleefully, a glass of wine in his hand
Stefano just looked at him with bored eyes, his gaze piercing through the man as if standing here was actually the last thing he wanted to do right now

His Tesoro (MxM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz