Serafina could tell she was being candid with herself, which made her a bit sad. She knew Morgana had witches who worked beneath or with her, but only sometimes. She was alone a lot, too, like she used to be.

"If I will my magic away, I can die," Morgana said casually. She adjusted herself and looked toward Serafina before continuing, "It wouldn't even be a death; I only exist because of the magic at this point anyway. I thought the gods abandoned humanity. Then I met you and Rosalie. With your powerful ability, you shouldn't exist in that vampire shell. Fire and vampires don't mix, after all. And your mate, more beautiful than any woman I've ever seen—a human woman anyway. I grew curious. You reminded me of some gods, but I knew you weren't one. Neither of you are."

Serafina frowned, "Then what are we?"

"Not gods," Morgana grinned, "But you were blessed by one. I'm guessing when you were human. It sounds like it happened when you were a baby from that story you mentioned before. But a blessing only remains with your soul until death. Then it's released. I believe that's why you feel the pain you feel daily. That fire wasn't meant to stay with your soul indefinitely. Your death awakened it, but now it's trapped in your vampire body."

"Rika doesn't mean to hurt me, and the pain isn't unmanageable," Serafina argued. The flame was a part of her now, and they looked out for each other. Rika even looked after Rosalie, knowing that if something should happen to her, it would kill Serafina.

"I'm sure she cares for you and doesn't mean to hurt you. But that pain you feel is because she isn't meant to be in your body. Especially now, she's much too powerful. But she can't leave until your death or her true master releases her. And she isn't going to let you die. You two make a great team, and you continuously strengthen her," Morgana nodded.

"Who's her true master? And how do I strengthen her?" Serafina asked hesitantly.

"This took me a while to figure out!" Morgana said eagerly, "Remember when I asked you when you were born?" Serafina nodded in agreement, "Through my research, I found a temple was broken into, and several idols and artifacts were stolen according to the coven protecting the area around that time. Some of the artifacts taken were meant to worship the goddess Chantico. She is the only one I can think of who would track the thieves down herself to reclaim her stolen idols. I'll bet she traveled north to where you and your family resided to get them back," Morgana's eyes glowed with her excitement, "She was known as the Goddess of Fire and Volcanoes, the Goddess of the Fire in the Family Hearth and was well known to be the protectress of the house and the possessions inside it in general. And don't you know how the ancient Aztecs used to worship their Gods? Blood and human sacrifices. When you'd feed, you'd feed her blood, too. You'd also use your flames to destroy the evidence and your enemies."

Things were beginning to click into place for Serafina. She may have a bit in common with a particular goddess. She wondered if it was because of the blessing or if she was gifted with the blessing because the goddess could see the future similarities and had a liking for her.

Morgana could see the wheels turning in Serafina's head. They'd been friends for years now. She knew what she was thinking: "Maybe she knew you'd be like her when you grew up and knew she had to help you see that future because it sounds like you wouldn't have made it through that winter otherwise. I'm sure the flame she left with you was only to keep you strong and healthy throughout your natural life. It didn't affect you in any other way. Sadly, this," she gestured to all of Serafina, "is just how you are." She teased.

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