Thankfully Imelda was to engrossed in getting ready that she didn't sense the disturbed tone your words had lingered in the echo of the room.

"Oh that's pretty nice, my mom didn't have many friends while I was growing up, so we didnt have anyone to play with. It was mostly me and Dante really, we were not allowed to mingle with other kids that were not pure bloods or even muggles" she spoke with a sad tone probably reflecting on the memories of her childhood.

"That seems to be the case with most pure bloods here. They act as if muggles were a disease of some sort, it's disturbing!" You finished uncomfortably as you had come across so many of them at school which made you disgusted.

She nodded her head in agreement, she had seen you stand up for the weak all the times which resulted in a lot of purebloods hating you. most obviously Marvolo Gaunt, he would do it on purpose! lurking about the corners waiting on you to be alone just so he could pick a bone with you. For someone who was about to graduate he grantedly was childish and immature.

"Here let me help you zip up your dress, that's the least I can do" Imelda walked over to you helping you into your beautiful blue gown. admiring the details of the lace that hugged at your sleeves and the flowery silk that danced around your hips and ankles.

"Thank you" you watched the dress get tighter around your chest and waist as she zipped it up around you, wishing Ominis could see you in this beautiful piece of art and tell you how beautiful you looked, but that was not possible not tonight at least.

"It was really nice of your grandfather to send you this dress in such short notice, he must truly cherish you. Say, is he a nice person or is he as scary as everyone else makes him to be?" Imelda asked before taking the brush off the table and sitting you down on the chair, getting you ready to the party yourself.

You closed your eyes as the brush slipped between the hair strands that were flowing with each flick, the sensation relaxing you almost instantly as it repeated over and over.

"He is nice to me, he is also nice to the help at the mansion. But he can be scary too when he wants to be! He tried to scare off Ominis when he met him for the first time, but after a deep conversation between the both of them he eased up to him" you giggled remembering the dinner you had went to and how nervous you both were about getting his approval.

"I do have to say I was also surprised that he accepted him. The Gaunts have a um, I'm sorry nevermind" she hesitated to speak, worried about saying something that will soil this nice evening, the candle flickered in the room loudly as the awkward silence has settled between you.

"It's alright I know what you want to say. Their reputation precedes them anyway, but Ominis is not like that. He is just Ominis to me, he is the man I love and chose to be with" you said opening your eyes and turning around to face her.

She nodded her head and smiled warmly at you.

"I know Taia, he is my friend now, and he makes you happy. That's all I could ever ask for my amazing cousin" she said sitting down the brush on the table and ushering you to stand up.

"Thank you Imelda, you look beautiful. I guess green really is your color huh? I'd say a dress looks better on you than those quidditch uniforms" you joked watching her face split in disgust at the reminder that quidditch is cancelled thanks to her mother.

"Ah please I would take my quidditch outfit over this dress any day if it meant I could play again" she shook her head and walked over to the door opening it fast, a reminder that the ball was soon to start and that your dates were waiting on up on you.

"I have to say I'm still surprised you are going to the ball with the Gryffindor seeker. I would have presumed you hated their guts" the teasing words only ignited her excitement furthermore. any topic revolving around quidditch made Imelda all but fired up.

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