Chapter 69: Morake is begging for help

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1 week had past since the banquet, in that 1 week Kyle in his group studied and observed the ways of the primitive people living there.

Kyle also sent some of his people to search the nearby areas to gain some information about the place where they at and some are helping the tribe to hunt the wild beast for the tribe to eat.

The tribe's living condition is too poor, the warriors of the Ompha tribe don't have a proper training in combat even their weapons are too dull that Kyle think that his teeth is much sharper than their stone spears.

No wonder that the Ompha tribe have a high death rate everytime they hunt for food there are always warriors died or crippled that cause for their tribe's diminish.

But he didn't do anything yet, he just observed the ways of life of the Ompha tribe for the past week so that he can have some ideas what he can do in the future.

And he noticed something amiss so he decided to observed for now.

After they ate dinner outside along with the Ompha tribe's aboriginals, chief Morake went to their side and greeted them.

"Everyone.. how's your stay in our humble tribe?"

"The tribe's people are all accommodating and friendly that is why it's easy for us to blend in with the tribe" Kyle answered with a smile.

"I'm happy to know that all of you have a good time while staying here.. if you need something just don't shy to ask." Chief Morake said.

Chief Morake want's to say something more but he is hesitating, Kyle noticed it but he didn't say anything and just wait for chief Morake to say it to them.

"Kyle.... can i talk to you in private?"

Kyle smiled at him " Sure, where do you want us to talk?

"We can talk in my abode if it's ok"

"Ok, let's go"

Kyle followed chief Morake to his abode, The tribe's living condition is poor so even Morake is the tribe's chief he is living in the man made cave.

The cave is much bigger compared to the other man made caves that the elders and warriors of the Ompha tribes have and its slightly bigger than the shaman priest cave.. but for Kyle they are all look the same.

Chief Morake is living alone in his abode, Kyle heard from the tribe's men that chief Morake's ex wife left him and married a warrior from the other tribe.

The cave inside is surprisingly tidy.. there are three rooms inside, there is also a wood table with 4 wood chairs near the kitchen.

" Welcome to my humble abode, You can sit everywhere you are comfortable with" Chief Morake said to Kyle.

Chief Morake sat in one of the wooden chair so Kyle chose to sit in one of the wooden chair also.

Kyle used a barrier so that no one can spy them.

"Chief Morake may i know what do you want us to talk about?" Kyle started first to ask.

"Can you listen to my story? I know that you noticed this past week our tribe's living condition" Chief Morake sigh then he speak again.

"We failed our ancestors... my Ompha tribe is a powerful tribe before until my father inherited the tribe's chief position.

He fell in love with my mother and chose to be with her.. but he didn't know that the person he loves will be the cause of the downfall of our tribe.

My mother is a spy of the big tribe called Belus tribe but my father didn't know it.. he was blinded by love that he listened to what ever my mother told him to do.

My mother gain power and got the elders to be on her side.. that time i was only 6 year old.

My father slowly lose his influence to the elders and before he noticed it.. it was too late already.. majority of the Ompha tribe warriors also betrayed my father and went to my mother's side.

One night the Belus tribe invade us.. it was chaos.. i can't forget that scene when most of our Ompha warriors helped the invaders kill their own kind.

Luckily i didn't sleep yet that night so when the chaos started i hide immediately.

When my father realized what is happening, he was devastated specially when my mother is laughing while telling him that she is a spy from the Belus tribe and she never loved him.

I have a big brother but that night my mother told to my father that my big brother's father is the Belus tribe's first elder.

I was hiding that time near them so i heard everything.. i saw my father's sad face while crying..

I never saw my father cried.. only that night when he was devastated to what my mother said to him.

The first elder of the Belus tribe is laughing along with my mother and brother while looking to my father that already losing the will to live.

I also saw how the first elder of the Belus tribe decapitated my father.. it was traumatizing for a 6 year old child to see that scene.

They looted our tribe, killed our people and burned our place.

I was lucky that i scaped there and reunited with some survivors and went to this barren place to start over.

Then i repeated what my father done before... i feel in love to a vixen woman.. luckily we don't have a child and i found out sooner that she wants to manipulate me so i threw her out from the tribe.

My tribe is declining... our warriors are not really warriors they are normal tribe members from our original tribe, but we don't have a choice we need to hunt to survive.

lot's of my tribe members died from hunting or hunger and as an incompetent leader i can't do anything to help them."

Until one day shaman Kado told me that our savior is coming.. i don't believe on it at first but...

Chief Morake cried and bowed to Kyle.

"I saw how powerful you are and your group that is why im begging you please help our tribe."

It much clearer now to Kyle what is happening here... the first day when they arrived here that night Kyro caught a messenger bird with a letter saying that there is a foreign visitor visiting the Ompha tribe.

It means there is a spy among the tribes men here but he didn't know which tribe will do this so he sent some of his men to gather information and he didn't do anything for the past week.

But now he knows that Belus tribe is the culprit.. there is a spy with the survivors that fled that time but he didn't know how many of them.

Now chief Morake is begging for help.. this is a good opportunity to stablish his plans.

"Do you want me to help your tribe? well i can do that but what can you do in return?" Kyle said while looking at chief Morake's crying face.

Chief Morake froze for a moment then he said " I will do anything for the tribe's survival"

"Then swear your allegiance to me along with your tribe's people and i will make the Ompha tribe the powerful tribe in this realm."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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