Chapter: 57 Recruits

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"When i was locked up in the dark cellar by one of my half sibling, i thought i was going to die.

I don't have food there, the room was dark and lots of bugs and rats.

I cried so hard.. i screamed for help but no one came to help me.

I don't know how many days had past.. i'm questioning my self if i'm really a demon child that no one likes.. even my own mother hates me and scared to me.

I thought dying is the better ending so that the people around me become happy again.. that my mom become happy if i died.

I already accepted my unfair fate then suddenly... i heard a voice saying that it's not my fault.. that i don't deserved to be mistreated like that! then goddess Gaia appeared in front of me.

For the first time in my life.. someone comforted me and made me feel that i'm not totally alone and abandon.

Goddess Gaia helped me to survived.. they just only discovered me after1 week.. the maid told me it's been 1 week since i disappeared.

My father just looked at me coldly.. he didn't even ask me if i'm alright and who locked me up step mother is blaming me coz they need to search the house for how many days just to find the useless me.

My half siblings are all happy while seeing my misfortune.

I hate them.. i hate them all so much!! why they need to treat me like that.. it's better if my father didn't took me.. maybe my life is much better.

So i decided to run away.. goddess Gaia helped me to survived.. she also trained me to have powers.

I roamed around for how long who knows.. then i saw the beast gang capturing people.. goddess Gaia told me that i need to infiltrate the beast gang base to get something important, so i let them captured me along with the others.

Then that's the time i met you and that uncle." Angelica said with sad look on her face.

"According to what Angelica said, goddess Gaia approached her.. but this is not the time yet that gods and demons can approach and choose someone to give their sponsorship.

Unless there is a loophole.. and if there is really a loophole, there is a possibility that not only Gaia found that loophole! this is bad!.. i need to work my plans much faster this time." Kyle mumbling to himself.

Kyle tapped Angelica's head and said..

"If you really don't like to go home anymore.. i can help you to have a new identity.. you can also stay here in celestial draconic realm if you want."

Angelica look at him with teary eyes..

"Am i really allowed to stay here?"

Kyle smiled at her and said.. "Of course you can! you can stay here anytime you want.. you can be a citizen here also."

"How can i be a citizen here?" Angelica asked.

"You just need to sign a contract and that is all."

"A contract?"

"Yes.. everyone that wants to be my subordinate or to be a citizen here in my realm need to sign a contract."

"I want to sign the contract!" Angelica firmly said.

"Are you sure? just think of it for a while before you decide."

"I don't have someone i can ask about it... i can't contact goddess Gaia anymore.. i tried many times but she is not answering.. maybe she abandon me already! and that uncle didn't visit me also." she sadly said.

Kyle forgot already that he captured Gaia.. he just remember it now when Angelica said that she can't contact Gaia anymore.

"Goddess Gaia is just busy.. don't worry!" Kyle took out the glowing contract and a pen and gave it to Angelica.

"Just write your name on it."

Angelica just stared on the glowing contract and didn't say anything.

Kyle noticed it and asked.

"What's the matter?"

Angelica scratch her head and shyly said..

"I don't know how to write my name."

Kyle smiled at her and said..

"If you are not scared of little pain.. you can put your thumb mark with your blood on it."

"I'm not scared! i will do it!!"

Kyle took out a normal small surgical knife and cut a little wound on Angelica's thumb.

After she put her thumb mark, her name appeared on the glowing contract.

Faith points[Divine power]: 37+1

"Welcome to Celestial draconic realm! now you can go anywhere here freely.. you can also stay in my mansion for a while.. until you have a capacity to have your own house."

"Thank you... thank you so much... waaahhh.." Angelica can't control her emotion and cried.

1 week had past since then and the realm became busy and noisy..

Lots of people appeared inside the realm.

Around this time.. lots of people went to the coliseum to meet Kyle.

With the strict screening and joined forces of Kendrick family, Zian and Brad.. they gathered a total of 61 people.

25 unawaken and 36 normal people with high talents.

The people gathered in the arena and waiting for Kyle to appeared.

A while later, Kyle came with the others.

The people look at him with awe..

"So lord Kyle is so young!" One of the recruits said.

"What i read in those comics is that most of powerful people can make their look younger!" said the other one.

"Shhh.. both of you shut up! what if lord Kyle can hear the both of you!" said the other recruit that heard them.

Chattering... Chattering...

When Kyle stood in front of them, all of the people became quiet.

Kyle otherworldly strong presence dominated them all.

"Nice to meet you everyone! my name is Kyle, and i welcome you all here in celestial draconic realm.

For sure some of you still can't believed that everything are all real until now.

Most of you are still have doubts, even though you already signed the contract i know that you all feel suspicious! but i'm telling you all now that this is only the beginning! while following me.. you can achieve something that you will never achieve in your life.

My subordinates briefed all of you already after the contract signing about the awakeners right?.. some of you here have an unawaken ability and some are just normal people.

But it doesn't matter to me if you are unawaken or not! now that all of you are all citizen of my celestial realm, for me all of you have equal rights."

The recruits are all listening to him with great admiration.

The main reason why i gathered you all here is that, In 5 months time i want you all to become stronger!"

I HAVE A GOD LEVEL TRADING SYSTEM THEN I CREATED MY OWN REALMOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant