Chapter 9: Making potions

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Pepperochino35: Happy to have transactions with you! if you need

more just tell me and i will give you some discounts..

dark_raven13: ok don't worry, i will buy again soon...

....End of chat....

After he paid for the bottles and glass boxes, he only have 99 trading

crystals left..

"What a life! the trading crystals that i earned just flew away in an


That's why i need to earn more after this..."

Then he saw the wooden boxes appeared beside him, the 1st box is

bigger than the 2nd box.

He went to the kitchen and find some big basin that he can use to

dilute the rainbow jelly fruit.. then he saw a medium size basin with

vegetables inside.. he took the vegies out and brought the basin and

the cup that he got from the cabinet outside to get some water from

the pond.

After he got the water, he plucked 3 strands of rainbow jelly fruit with

10 fruits per strands , then he went to the kitchen again to make the


He put first some miracle water without the fruits inside of 10 potion

bottles, then he uses 2 fruits with miracle water to the other 10


The potions without the fruits have crystal clear color and the potions

with fruits on it have bloody red color.

Then he put the remaining fruits from the strands and the fruits from

the cup inside his pocket to the glass boxes...and he still have 4

remaining fruits from the cup..

He promise to kyro that he will give him some rainbow jelly fruit so he

will give the two fruits to kyro and he will eat the other two...

After that he went to kyro's room and called him..

"Kyro are you awake?"

Then the door open...he saw kyro that still sleepy...

"sleepy head can i enter?"

" come in brother"

he went inside and sat in the bed...

" i will give you this 2 fruits.. eat one piece first and save the other

one for later."

"Thank you looks delicious"

" its getting dark outside already.. i bought some rechargeable lights

that we can use.. you can get one and put it here in your room..

Tomorrow morning i will leave early to sell again, so if you wake up

and you didn't see me, just play to your games and eat some fruits in

the kitchen i will bring food when i come back .. "

"ok, brother no problem! i'm a grown up man already so you don't

need to worry about me! i can take care of my self"