Chapter 6: Selling rainbow jelly fruit

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He decided to wait until evening before he goes to his future cash
cow... so he sat down for a while in one of the root trunk and think if
how much he will price per fruit.

While thinking he saw a mask near the tree not far away from him.

So he got up and walk to pick up the mask, when he is near, he
noticed that the mask is a joker mask.

"This is perfect! i don't need to reveal my face...
Now all i need to do is wait.."

Inside the Kendrick mansion

"What are we gonna do? the doctor said that Enzo's health is getting worse!" Mrs. Kendrick said.

Her heart is aching while looking at her son ...

Enzo's been in coma since 3 months ago...although he is sickly
since birth he can still go to school or do something he wants, but 3
months ago his health decline again. but this time the doctor said
they need to cure him, or else he will only have more or less 6 months
to 1 year to live.

The problem was they can't detect what is his illness...they invited
many famous doctors already but no one can cure or say what his
illness at all.

Before they can use expensive medicine to treat him, then he will feel
better for a month or so, but 3 months ago his health decline to the
point that he looks like a zombie and now he is in coma.

Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick didn't know what to do.. even though they
want to help their only son they are helpless.

They only have money...but they felt that even money is powerless..

"Don't worry i will do everything i can to find a way to
save our son.. even to the point i will sell my soul if that's the only way
to cure him.." Mr. Kendrick said while calming his wife.

"It's not necessary to sell your soul.. i have a way to cure your son!"

The couple are startled when they heard him talking...

"Who are you? how did you get inside my house?!" Mr. Kendrick said while being alert.

"Calm down! i'm here to help.. believe it or not i have a way to
cure your son..."

"Do you think we are idiots to believe what you are
saying?.." Mr. Kendrick said.

"Hey.. hey... You are the one whose saying that you can even sell
your soul just to cure your son and now that there is a cure you are
acting like that!"

"Do you really have a way to cure my son?" Mrs. Kendrick said.

"As i said earlier.. i have a way but it's not free...."

"As long as we can provide it... im willing to give everything... we are really desperate now..."
Mrs. Kendrick said while crying.

"Are you really gonna believe him?" Mr. Kendrick asked to his wife.

"Do we really have a choice? your son is dying!!! if there
is a tiny bit of hope i will grab it!"

"Are you both finished arguing now? i'm in a hurry you see...
So i need to know if you decided already."

Mr. Kendrick have a long sigh...then he said..

"What do you need in return?"

"I have a magic elixir here called rainbow jelly fruit.. it can cure
any illnesses.."

Then he took out 1 piece of the fruit from the cup inside his pocket...

"If you feed this to him he will be cured instantly...
I know it's hard to believe but it's up to the both of you if you gonna
gamble on this."

Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick decided to believe him.. coz at this point they
are really desperate to save their son.

"Ok we believe in what do you want in return?" Mr. Kendrick asked to Kyle.

"Wise decision!.... all i need is money... how much can you pay for
your son's life?"

"This....." Mrs. Kendrick didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Kendrick asked.

"I just want you to decide the price..."

He decided earlier that he will let them name the price so that he can
know also how sincere they are and if future cooperation is possible.

"Do you need cash or do you have an account?" Mr. Kendrick asked to him.

"What i need is cash..."

"I only have 10 million cash here... if its ok with you i will
withdraw 150 million later or tomorrow and you can comeback to
pick it up..."

Kyle was surprised to know the amount that the couple are willing to
give.. 10 million? 150 million? my goodness!!! if he have this money
he can start to purchase some merchandise that he can sell in the
trading system...

He can buy also new clothes, food and everything that Kyro needs....

"ahemm... ok i will get first the 10 million and i will return
tomorrow evening to collect the 150 million..."

Then he gave the fruit to Mr. Kendrick...

"Now feed it to your son... "

Mr. Kendrick walk towards his son, he is unsure if he was doing is right.

And how his son will eat it if he is in coma.. but he gambled already so he will draw all his luck on this one..
Then he put the fruit inside his son's mouth and it suddenly glow and melt instantly...

" Oh heavens.... what is this!?" Mr. Kendrick was shocked.

He can't believe what he was seeing right now..

His son's complexion turns to normal then he suddenly open his

"Enzo my son.... how's your feeling right now?" Mrs. Kendrick said.

She can't control her tears while hugging her son.. she was so shocked when she saw her son open his eyes like he was just sleeping...

" Mom,..Dad... what happened? mom why are you crying?" Enzo said while looking at them.

"I'm so happy that you awake now Enzo.. you didn't know how worried we are when you are in coma... i'm so glad ...that you are ok now.. this is a miracle!!!"

"Coma? me? but i can't remember anything..."

" Now that your son is ok...can i get the money now?"

"Are you the one who cured me?" Enzo asked to Kyle.

"Well... something like that..."

"Thank you so much...i awe you my life.. may i know your name

"You can just call me Mr. trader..."

Mr. Kendrick called his assistant downstairs to bring the10 million
cash and After a while Mr. Kendrick gave it to him...

"Thank you Mr. trader thank you so much for curing my
son..." Mr. Kendrick emotionally said.

"No need to thank me.. im a merchant after all... tomorrow
evening i will return here to get the money.. i hope you will not fail

Then he vanished after that...

The people in the room are all startled when he vanished into thin air.