Chapter: 46 Roman's story

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The 3 days seclusion of Kyle turned into 1 week, he didn't expect that 3 days are not enough to concoct the pills.

After 1 week, Kyle finished his seclusion and went outside the cabin.

While walking he noticed that some of the houses are finished already and some are still in construction process.

He went to the mansion and saw some people doing some chores.

The people noticed him and greeted him.

"Welcome back my lord!" the people said at the same time.

Kyle was taken aback because of the sudden greetings.

The butler saw his reaction and explained to him why they are there.

"My lord, i'm Sebas the butler. Mr. Arthur appointed us to do some chores here in the mansion."

"Oh i see... " He remembered Sebas from his past life, he was also the butler that time.

"Where is Arthur?" Kyle asked.

"He went outside the realm to do something my lord, but he said he will come back before dinner time."

"How about Brother Roman?"

"He is outside my lord with young master Kyro and young master Noir."

"Ok, continue what you are doing, i will go outside now."

"Yes my lord!"

Kyle went outside to find Roman, He went to the garden farm and saw them resting and eating in the stone table, So he walked towards them.

"Brother Roman!"

Roman and Kyro trio heard him and look at him at the same time.

"Kyle! you finally finished your seclusion."

"Sorry Brother Roman... i didn't expect that 3 days are not enough so it turned out into 1 week." He is very apologetic and shy because he thought he made Roman wait for him for too long.

"It's ok Kyle! don't apologized.. you are acting again like we are strangers... do you treat me as a stranger?!" Roman said while jokingly glaring at him with big eyes.

"Hahaha.. i don't dare brother Roman."

"Brother, sit and eat with us!" Kyro said to him with tantalizing eyes.

He look at the trio and noticed that they became much stronger again... he didn't expect that Noir and Sniper will became this powerful also.

"Did you miss me Kyro?" then he patted Kyro's head.

"Yes brother! luckily brother Roman, Noir and Sniper are all here that's why its not really hard for me."

"Ahh.. papa!" Noir is trying to get his attention.

Kyle carried him and sat on the stone chair to joined them eating the fruits.

"How are you brother Roman this past week?" Kyle suddenly asked while eating the magical fruit.

"I'm ok Kyle, my body became much stronger and flexible than before! hahaha..."

"Is that the only changes you felt in your body?"

Roman suddenly turned quiet to his question.

Kyle knows that Roman is still in the phase of accepting and rejecting his new self, he was human since birth then suddenly he will realized that he is not human anymore.

He can feel that Roman is scared of his new self, so he wants to help Roman to accept his new self in any possible way.

"Brother Roman, i know you are confused and scared to your new identity..i'm also at fault of this! but i don't have a choice.. we can't let you die! i didn't expect also that using my blood will cause a mutation.. i'm really sorry about this brother Roman."

"Here you go again apologizing! (sigh) actually i'm very thankful that you both brothers treated me as your real family.. i thought after being betrayed, no one wants to be with me so dying is much better than living alone.. but now that i know that i still have a family i'm happy to be alive again!"

"Brother Roman what really happened? how did you end up being sacrificed?" Kyle curiously asked.

Roman suddenly became sad while remembering what happened that day.

"You don't need to say it brother Roman if its hard for you to recall what happened."

"Kyle.. I would like to tell you my story, Actually i have my own business before.. as you know i grew up in the orphanage.. after i left the orphanage, i took lots of part time jobs just to save up some money to put up my own business.

There is a time also that i took 3 part time jobs a day just to save fast! After i save up enough money to capital for my business.. i opened up a small restaurant in the capital. It's not that big but lots of customers everyday so i earned big time fast! there where i met my girl friend Marie.

She always ate in the restaurant so she became a regular customer and we became closed to each other.

After that i fell in love with her and we became first our relationship is good and stable but later i found out that she is addicted to gamble, we fought many times about it and she promised that she will stop gambling.

Well because i love her so much i trusted her! but one day the Beast gang went to the restaurant and harassed us saying that Marie borrowed a big money to them and lost it to gambling to the point she collateral the restaurant.

I was so shocked coz i thought she stop gambling after i paid her last debt! but without my knowledge she still gambling.. and i'm gonna lose my restaurant because of her!.

But when i saw how they hurting Marie in front of me.. i can't do anything than to agree to sign the paper that transferring the restaurant to the Beast gang.

I love her so much.. she is my world! that's why when i saw how they hurting Marie in front of me i can't stand it! much better to give away the restaurant than to see her being tortured in front of me.

In one snap, my hard work vanished... we live upstairs of the restaurant so when i transferred the ownership to the beast gang.. we need to move out.

Without nowhere to go, we temporarily lived in smoky mountain.

I'm so depressed that time and lost too much weight, but Marie took care of me.. i thought she really changed so i became happy again.

Marie became much more caring and responsible.. she told me that she found a job in the capital.. at first i don't want her to work far from me.. but she convinced me that she need to work so that she can repay even a little for what she has done to me.

I was so touched so i allowed her,.. as you know she only returned once or twice a month for a reason that she is very busy.

But all of those was a lie! a big lie!!

After you and Kyro left the smoky mountain.. she only returned after 2 months.. i was so angry that I've had an argument with her.

Because of that she left me.. she told me that she can't stand living in the garbage place with a garbage people like me.

I begged her to not leave me.. but she is really determined to leave so i don't have a choice than to set her free.

Then 2 months had past since she left me.. while i was walking to go home.. i saw one of the beast gang member talking to one of the residence of smoky mountain.

I heard them laughing and talking that Marie is using me from the start to get the restaurant from me! that she is one of the wives of Black tiger and what happened are all scripted from the start.

Kyle.. i love her so much.. i set her free because i thought she deserved better.. but she is toying me from the start!"