Chapter 3: My own realm

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There is a pop up window Infront of him saying he will have his own realm! is that even possible?

"Host will you accept the novice gift pack?"

Kyle think that he have nothing to lose if he accept it.

"Ok i will accept!"

Then he suddenly vanished from the place where he was standing at and appear to a place that have a small cottage house, beside the house is where you can see a small tree with full of fruits that looks like grapes with rainbow color.

Not far away from the house, you can see the small pond with crystal clear water.

He look around and saw a big lush mountain not also far away.

In short the realm is not big!

"Host you can name this realm so that it will be officially yours."

"Hmmm... name you say.."

"I will name it Celestial draconic realm!.."

"Celestial draconic realm confirmed..."

"Now this realm is yours! for the time being you can only put one person aside from you and 5 living livestock.

If you wish to know more you can ask the system or browse in your pop up window."

"How can my pop up window appear? "

" just say status window, and it will appear."

Then kyle immediately call the status window and saw his own status.

Trader name: Kyle "Owner of celestial draconic realm"
Realm level: 1
Realm occupants: 1
Trading level: 1 { Pre historic realm}
Trading crystal: 1
Trading points: 1
Merchandise: 0
Ability: None

When he saw this he was so confused and ask the system again.

Hey system what is this realm level, trading level pre historic realm, trading points and this trading crystal?

"Realm level is the level of your realm, for now it's level 1 but you can raise it up to another level the more you acquire trading points. this trading points is the points you obtain in every transactions. 1 transactions equals to 1 points whether buying or selling in every plane. when you level up to realm level 2 you can expand your realm using trading crystals! the more trading crystals you have the more you can expand and beautify your realm.
You can add also the person you want to be the occupants of your realm.
Trading crystals is the official currency of trading system.
You can exchange the local currency to trading crystals in the system. "

" What about this ability? "

"You can acquire it in the system.. if you have enough trading crystals you can buy abilities in exclusive trading system."

" Wow this is so OP!!!"

He was so amazed while listening to the system.

"For now you can only trade in Pre historic realm.. this realm is non civilized realm.
Along with the newbie gift pack some abilities, treasures, merchandise etc. in the exclusive trading system can be purchase for only 1 trading crystal per piece."

"How can i purchase in the exclusive trading system?"

"Anytime you want to purchase from exclusive trading system just tell me and i will show you the merchandise that the system are selling."

"Then show me the abilities that the system are selling."

In his status window there is the word E.T.S that suddenly appear When he open it he saw the list of merchandise that the system offered like abilities, weapons, elixirs, treasures etc.

He like to see the list of elixirs as he was an alchemist before but what he needs now is ability! so he decided not to look at it for the time being so that he will not be tempted.

He open the ability sign and saw the list of abilities offered along with its price.

Only 2 abilities on the list that have a price of 1 trading crystal the first one is appraisal level 1 ability and the other one is teleportation level 1.

" Appraisal and teleportation? both are nice abilities but i only have 1 trading crystal! so i can only choose 1."

He click the appraisal and the description appear.

{Appraisal level 1 - you can see the description of every living and non living things.
(Note: there is some circumstances that the description is hidden if the level required is not enough)}

After that he click the teleportation.

{Teleportation level 1- You can teleport 100 km}

"I want both but for now what i need is the appraisal ability!
If the time comes that i need to run for my life, i can hide in my realm."

So he decided to purchase the appraisal ability.


Congratulation to the host for purchasing the appraisal ability!

You will earn 1 trading points.

Trader name: Kyle "Owner of celestial draconic realm"
Realm level: 1
Realm occupants: 1
Trading level: 1 { Pre historic realm}
Trading crystal: 0
Trading points: 2
Merchandise: 0
Ability: Appraisa

"Now that i have ability i need to try this first!
Then he saw the small tree with rainbow color fruits that looks like grapes and the description appear."

{Name: Rainbow jelly fruit
It can cure illnesses, 1 pcs per person (Note: It can prolong life if use 2pcs diluted in miracle water!) }

"Holly molly!!! are you saying that this is an elixir?

In my previous life it can consider a level 7 or 8 elixirs! the highest is level 9-10 and its immortality elixirs. I can sell this elixirs to those multi tycoon people that are sick or wants to prolong their life.

But before that i need to bring my brother here in celestial draconic realm and say goodbye to brother Roman coz if i started to sell this i need to hide my identity."

He exited the realm and go back to their tent, he was shock when he saw that it's morning already.

" I just stayed for 1 hour at most inside the realm and here outside is morning already!
The time difference is 11-12 hours, if i remember correctly i went inside the realm 8pm something and now i think its 7-8am. Oh sh*t Kyro's gonna cry if he noticed that i'm not in the tent!"

He run fast and when he go inside the tent he saw his brother still sleeping while hugging the new blanket that they bought in the market.