Chapter 7: Shopping

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Kyle chose to teleported inside the public toilet in the 3rd floor that the original owner been before, inside the big mall in the capital.

It's near closing time so not lots of people inside...

"Oh,.. before i forgot.. i need to take off my mask first.."

After that he open the brief case and saw lots of 1k bill bundle inside..
1 bundle is worth100k, he decided to get 10 bundles first then put the brief case and his mask inside the realm.

Then he put the cash bundle inside his clothes and he went first to the bag shop Located not far away.

After he bought the bag,.. he put the cash bundle inside and then he hurried to moved and visit the electronics and computer shop in the same floor.

When he entered inside, there are only 2 customers left that are already in the counter.
He look around and saw a gaming laptop and a gaming gadget that are on sale.

"Sir we are on sale now,... aside from lower price it comes with freebies..." shop attendant said...


"Yes sir, if you buy a gaming laptop or any gaming gadgets, we will put some games on it for free..."

He think for a while then he called the system.

" there a power supply in draconic realm?"

"There is none for now, but if you raise the level of the realm to level 2 you can buy it in exclusive trading system.."

"I want to buy but there is no electricity in our place yet" he said to the attendant.

"Wow do you live in a summer house?"

" well something like that"

"No problem sir...we have a solar camping battery charger here..
You can charge any gadgets hassle free! and it is also solar so it will recharge itself. "

"How much if im gonna buy 2 gadgets, 2 laptops and 2 charging batteries? oh do you have a rechargeable lights also? "

"Thank you for your patronage! come back again sir" shop attendant said while so happy that Kyle bought lots.

After that.. Kyle exited the shopping center with his cart.. he also bought the shopping cart coz he found it convenient to use.

He went to a secluded place and enter the realm.

The flow of time inside the realm is much slower than outside.. so its still bright inside..

He saw Kyro playing beside the pond.

"Kyro... i'm back!..."

"Welcome back brother!" then he run towards Kyle and hug him....

He noticed the things that Kyle brought..

" Brother what are those things in the cart?"

"I told you earlier that im gonna bring something for you when i come back remember? i bought computer and gaming gadget for you to play"

"Wow! where did you get the money to buy those brother?"

"I sell something earlier and i sold it in a hefty price.."

"What did you sell?" he is really curious if where did his brother get some money to buy those gadgets and computer.

"You will know soon... for now get that brief case and the mask near the rainbow jelly fruit tree and lets enter the house..."

Kyro pick the brief case and the joker mask then followed Kyle inside the house..
"Brother why do you have this ugly mask?"

Kyle: '...'

"Hey,.. that mask is very helpful to me even it looks like that its priceless! anyway come here and lets open your presents.."

Kyro excitedly open the boxes and happily hug the gaming laptop and the gaming gadget..
"Brother im so happy! thank you so much!..."

"No problem" Kyle said while also happy seeing how exited and happy his brother.

While looking at his brother he remembered the appraisal ability and used it to kyro.

Name: [Kyro Frost ( Celestial draconic realm citizen)]
Title: [Son of luck???]
Stats: ???
Ability: [beast tamer{Unawaken}}]

"Wow i can't believe that i have an OP younger brother!.. son of luck can you believe that? but why its have a question marks? his stats are also in question marks...
Anyway he also have an ability, beast tamer huh...but its unawaken so how will i help my younger brother to awaken his ability?"

Suddenly he heard the system speak...

"You can purchase an awakening pill in exclusive trading system"

" I don't have any trading crystals now, i will just earn money first so that i can buy it." he said.

He was startled when Kyro tap his shoulder..

"Brother are you ok? you are in dazed since i opened the boxes"

"Im ok don't worry, im just thinking if what im gonna sell again tomorrow to earn some money"

"but i'm glad that you like what i bought for you... charge it first, i also bought a solar charging battery.. you can plug it there."

"Brother did you bought those other laptop for your self?"

"Nope im gonna sell it.."

Last time when he asked the system about the rules of selling, coz he
didn't know how to sell and what to sell in level 1 trading.

The system reveal a shocking information... what he thought before was he can only trade in pre historic realm.. but what the system told him was he can trade with other realms, not only in pre historic realm if he put his merchandise in exclusive trading system.

What the system told him before that he can only trade in level 1 realm like pre historic realm was he can trade face to face, as in he can travel to pre historic realm in person!
And if his realm level went up, he can travel to much more modernized realm.