Chapter: 56 Flashback

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3 days had passed since Jazz fainted, when he woke up he saw that he is on a hospital bed.

"You finally woke up!"

Jazz look at the entrance door and saw Kyle along with his father coming in.

"I feel better now lord Kyle."

"You overdone your self! it almost kill you!" Kyle said helplessly.

"I'm sorry,.. i just wanted to be useful to you lord Kyle." Jazz sadly said.

"Look at your status window."

Jazz opened his status window and saw his stats.

Name: Jazz Kendrick

Race: Human

Job: Doppelgänger

Title: A man of Iron will

Power Level [XP] : 1

Talent: Excellent

Stats: Strength [HP] :1

Stamina [SP] : 1

Wisdom [MP] : 1

Agility: 1

Ability: Insta copy [S].

Equipment: Ancient sword [A], Axe [B].

"All of my stats and power level turned into 1!" Jazz was shocked when he saw all of his stats are all down to level 1.

"No wonder, i feel weak now.. i'm like a normal person now."

But he also saw that he has now a title.

Name: A man of Iron will

Note: Strong determination that allows you to do something difficult.

PS: It also has a power to resist temptation or overcome obstacles to achieve a goal.

"Maybe it's the effect of overdoing your self, even though your body and power can't handle it you pushed your self to its limit.. luckily lord Kyle was there or else..(sigh) you are comatose for 3 days! you over drained your mana." Ricky said while controlling his emotion.

"I'm sorry dad.." Jazz sadly said.

"Where am i by the way?" he curiously asked.

"You are in the healing house." Ricky said.

Kyle saw how determined Jazz was that time.. he wants to stopped him, but the system said that it will be much worse if he gonna disrupt him.

"Don't worry about your stats, take this ring." Kyle took out the space ring and gave it to Jazz.

"There are lots of potions and elixirs there that you can use to level up again. And because of what happened, you also broke through the 100 power limit barrier without using the limit breaker pill."

Jazz took the space ring and gave his thanks to Kyle.

"Thank you lord Kyle."

"I also want to give my thanks to you.. you successfully duplicated the dimensional gate."

Then a small fairy nurse suddenly appeared inside the room.

"My lord, the patient needs to rest now." the small fairy nurse said.

"Rest for a while, then you can start to train again and level up." Kyle said before him and Ricky went outside the room.

When Kyle went outside the building, he saw Angelica sitting on the bench in the healing house garden.

"You can go back first." Kyle said to Ricky.

Ricky bowed to him and left the healing house.

Kyle walked towards the garden where Angelica is sitting.

"How's your feeling now?" Kyle asked to Angelica.

Angelica glanced at him and didn't say anything.

Kyle sat down beside her and continue to talk to her.

"Do you want to return to your family?"

Angelica's facial expression turned sad then she shook her head.

"I don't have a family.. they don't like me!"

"Why? is there something wrong?" Kyle curiously asked.

Angelica is quiet for a while before she replied.

"My dad has his own family.. people said that i'm an illegitimate child. My mom don't like me either, she is scared to me and said i'm not normal.. that i'm a demon child."

"Where is your mom now?"

"I don't know.. she just left me one day and didn't returned." Angelica sadly said.

"How about you dad?"

"He just appeared in front of me one day and took me into their house, but i run away."

"Why you run away? are they mistreated you there?"

"My dad is cold to me and my step mom and siblings are all bullying me.. so i run away."

Kyle was taken aback.. he suddenly remembered how their step mother and step siblings mistreated Kyle and Kyro before.

To what he saw from Kyle's memories, their father Leo Frost is a loving father and husband.

They had a loving happy family before.. but one day their father suddenly rarely go home and that's the start that their mom and dad always fighting and their happy family slowly broke apart.

One time when Kyle and his classmates went to the arcade inside the mall, he accidentally saw his dad being sweet to a woman and buying lots of things for her.

He knows the meaning of what he saw.. he can't believe that his dad has an affair, but because he don't like to make his mom sad and heart broken.. he decided to keep quiet.

But one night.. he suddenly woke up because he heard a quarrel in the living room.. he went outside his room and saw his parents fighting.

His mom is crying with rage.. then she took the car key and went outside to drive even though the rain is pouring hard.

He didn't know that,.. that time will be the last time that he will see their mom.

They just got the news in the morning about the car accident.. but the worst part was they can't see the body.

Their mom's body was not there.. only the broken car.

Months past and they still can't find their mom's body.. so the authority stop their searching operation and just closed the case.

They just declared that she died form the accident.

Their dad rarely go home.. but one day he brought back the woman he saw in the mall along with her two children.

It's not even 1 year yet that time since their mom's disappearance, but their father brought his new wife and kids already.

And that's the start of their miseries.

So he knew what Angelica felt.

Now that he remembered it.. he noticed that in his memories he can;t see their mom's face.

Their mom in his memories don't have a face.. now he is curious of what was going on.

So he decided that he will ask Arthur later to investigate that accident.. their mom's disappearance is full of mystery, and what the matter worst is that their mom in his memories are all faceless.

(Sigh) He calm down his self and ask Angelica again.

"What's your plan now?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know."

"I heard from Arthur that your dad is looking for you."

Angelica didn't say anything.

So Kyle change the topic for now..

"By the way, how did you met goddess Gaia?"