Chapter: 66 Creating Gacha cards

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A while later Jazz and Clint arrived together in the alchemy room and saw Kyle and Donna waiting for them.

"My lord forgive us for being late" Jazz and Clint said.

"It's ok, we didn't wait long anyway."

Then Kyle started to tell them what he wants them to do, He took out the remaining gacha card he has that he kept for a very long time and showed them what it was.

"I called you all here coz i want the three of you to experiment if you can copy this gacha card and create lots of it."

The trio look at the gacha card then look at each other after that, they don't have any idea what the gacha card is.

Kyle noticed their confusion so he explained to them what a gacha card is.

" This card is called gacha card, there something inside of it like weapons, potions or elixirs etc.

This one is a blank card coz this gacha card is like a surprise card you didn't know what you will get, there is something in it that even me don't have any idea.

But what i want the three of you to make is not a surprise type of gacha like this, but a card that like a space ring.

1 item per card and it is visible in the card, is it possible for the three of you to create this gacha card?" Kyle asked to them.

The trio look at each other again, they really don't get what Kyle wants them to do coz its their first time to see a gacha card and they didn't have any idea how the gacha card works.

Kyle look at them and saw that they still don't get it so he asked Jazz to copy the card first, after Jazz copied it Kyle used the copied card and showed them how it works.

Kyle hold the card and it suddenly glowed, then a machine apparatus thing appeared in front of them.

Name: Egg Incubator

Note: A magical apparatus used to hatch eggs.

PS: You can also put a premature or sick hatchling inside.

"Do you all get now?" Kyle asked.

"I get it now my lord, what you want us to do is to create a card similar to this one that we can put something in it and everyone can see what's in the card." Donna said to Kyle.

"Yes, you gonna put also the name of the thing that you gonna put inside in the card."

Kyle took out 3 inzpektar and he gave it to the trio he also took out from his subspace 3 golden tickets.

"Used this inzpektar glasses so that you can see the descriptions of the items that you can put inside the card, you all know how to use this right?"

The trio nod to him.

"I will give also this golden tickets so that you all can follow me in another realm incase you finish already the prototype card."

"My lord can i ask a question if you don't mind?" Jazz asked.

"What is it?"

"Why we need to create a card if i can copy lots of this card?

"I only have this card and if you copy lots of this the item inside will be the same, that's why i want the three of you to create lots of gacha cards so that we can use it to put different kinds of items in it with descriptions.

Much easier to give something if its in the gacha card, they can also see the name and the usage of it."

Its much clearer now to them what they need to do.

"We will do our best my lord to create a gacha card." Donna said to Kyle.

Kyle think for a while then he look at Jazz.

" Jazz make me a lot of copies of this card now." Kyle wants to sell some of the incubator in the trading system.

After that Kyle went to the office building and called Arthur.

Inside Kyle's office located on the top floor of the building, You can see the amazing view of the celestial draconic realm.

With the big transparent glass windows you can see the houses and establishments outside, and you can also see the breath taking sceneries of the mountain forest and the sea.

Just looking at the view can relieve your stress and fatigue.

Knock Knock...

"I am here now my lord" Arthur said after he knocked the door.

"You can enter" Kyle replied to him.

Arthur entered the room and saw Kyle standing and looking at the sceneries in the glass window.

"Arthur how's our business outside the realm?

"My lord we expanded our influence in some countries already, with the help of Zian and Brad we continue to expand our business.

The construction of our celestial guild building in country P is almost finish, the branch buildings in other countries that we have ties with are almost ready also."

"How about our funds? is it enough?" Kyle asked to Arthur.

"We have enough my lord, we auctioned lots of vitality elixirs and potions so we have enough funds for the constructions."

"Did you faced some problems?"

"We faced small problems but don't worry my lord, we can handle it."

"What kind of problems?" Kyle asked curiously.

"There are some oppositions that obstructing our plans but we are handling it already."

"Arthur you know that we are rushing everything, that's why any obstruction is a big no! if those people that oppose to our plans can't be turn to our side make them rest forever!"

Arthur is sweating while listening to Kyle.

"I can't allow anyone to hinder my plans! not this time!!" Kyle said while clenching his fist.

"We will do what you instructed my lord!"

"How about the recruitments?"

"In the past days we already recruited additional talented individuals in another countries and they already signed a contract with us, some are unawaken ability users and some are talented individuals but they are only normal and not ability users, that's why we gave them enlightenment potions to be an ability users.

We also found some Finis Mundi spies among the recruits and we gave them already to sir Roman." Arthur said.

"Good! those recruits that passed the assessments, bring them all in the mountain forest so that they can get a battle beast.

There is also an egg incubator machine in the alchemy building, if they want to hatch an egg they can use it.

I will leave the realm to you later when we travel to another realm, if there is some problems you can contact me thru this.."

Kyle gave 100 rune papers to Arthur and he also gave a golden tickets.

"Destroy one of it if you face some problems so that we can communicate, there are 100 rune papers so we can communicate anytime, give some to Zian and Brad incase they need to report something to me.

I will also give you 3 golden tickets incase you, Zian and Brad wants to follow us and see what's on the other realm ."